Friday, February 1, 2008

Article : Tantra Sacred Loving Step by Step: How to Make Love For Hours

Tantra Sacred Loving Step by Step: How to Make Love For Hours
by Al Link and Pala Copeland
Tantra is a spiritual tradition that originated in India some 4,000 years ago. It is a way of life that celebrates and strives for the union of body, mind and spirit. Tantra is a form of yoga. Yoga means union. The ultimate purpose of Tantra is a union of lovers, and union with the divine, with God. In the Tantric tradition, sexuality and spirituality are joined. Lovers actually invite God right into their bed!
Many cultures have a variation of this challenging and delightful practice, for example, the Taoists in China and the Cheyenne in North America. There are differences in these practices, but all forms of sacred sexuality have in common the intentional cultivation and use of sexual energy for spiritual growth, healing, creativity and enhanced pleasure.
The concepts of Tantra were first introduced to the west in the 1800s by British scholars and travelers to India. A Tantric revival by gurus and teachers in the ashrams of India during the late 1960s has led to a gradual popularization of these practices in Europe and North America. Recent testimonials by celebrity musicians and movie stars like Sting, Woody Harrelson and Tom Hanks, and mentions in movies such as "Go" and "Bliss" have promoted it almost to fad level. Now Tantra is becoming the sexual learning of choice for North Americans who want to have it all: a passionate sex life, a healthy body, and spiritual growth.
Tantric lovemaking involves breathing exercises, muscle contraction exercises, sound, visualization, affirmations, creating a sacred loving space and other rituals, meditation, sensual massage, and sexual play. In order to create enough sexual energy to move into ecstatic states of divine connection Tantrikas make love for long periods of time, experiencing extraordinary levels of pleasure along the way. Part of the delight of Tantric loving is that you can continue to learn and advance throughout years of practice; it is never-ending in its potential for growth. At the same time, it is a practice that yields immediate results. You can see and feel a difference in your lovemaking experience right away if you follow these steps.
Tantric Lovemaking Step by Step:
Regular lovemaking has a goal - orgasm. If you both come at the same time you've done it really, really well. If neither of you come at all you may as well have spent your time elsewhere. With Tantric loving, there is no goal. There is a purpose however, and that purpose is union. Every aspect of your Tantric loving serves that purpose. Your intention is to merge with your lover in all aspects - body, mind, heart and soul - not just body. You can help this along by looking at your lover differently, by seeing your partner as a god or goddess, as a living expression of the divine. Look for the glory, the beauty and the wonder in your playmate and in yourself and let that shine.
Creating a Sacred Space
Take time to set the mood. You can transform an ordinary space - a bedroom or living room - into a sacred space. To do this, takes only a few minutes and costs little or nothing. The important thing is your intention, not the specific items you use. First, clean the room. Vacuum, dust, and put away the clutter and junk that might be lying about. If it is evening, dim the lights and use candles. Position candles all around the room. Bring in some plants or fresh cut flowers. A bowl of fruit is very sensual. You may wish to have a bottle of wine to share. Bring special objects into the room. Any objects that have emotional importance for you will work very well. Create your lover's bed. Make up the bed with clean linens and have lots of pillows handy.
When you have finished creating the space, take a few moments to purify it energetically. That means consciously sending away negative or fearful thoughts and feelings, and inviting in those that are joyous, passionate and safe. Create your own rituals with sweet grass, incense, and musical instruments.
The Lover's Purifying Bath
Cleanse each other in preparation for your joyous union. Wash away the dirt and cares of the world. A hot bath with essential oils and bath salts is perfect, especially if you can both fit into the tub at the same time. A shower is the next best thing, but perfectly acceptable. The essential thing is to be squeaky clean. After all you will be eating off that skin! Make the bath a slow, luxurious affair with each of you giving complete attention to your lover. Wash and dry each other with playful abandon. Men shave or trim facial hair and apply scent. Women apply their best perfumes and lotions. Sensually prepare your bodies for the delights ahead.
Honor, Respect and Permission
Trust, surrender and opening your heart are essential if you want to reach the heights of bliss. It is not just technique that will get you there. You must join together as loving equals on the sexual journey.
Men, think of the vagina as a potential opening rather than as always being open. Do not ever take your lady for granted! Tell her how much you care for her and respect her. Tell her how much you love her. Speak words of adoration into her ears as you gently blow on them and nibble on her ear lobes. Let her know that you think of her constantly and how strong your desire is to make love with (not to) her. Also, let her know that you invite her to awaken sexually and to express her sexuality fully. Let her know that you are NOT caught in that tired old cultural conditioning that still insists "good girls" do not enjoy sex - the Madonna/Whore split. Make her believe you when you tell her that you know she can be all she wants to be: a successful career woman, a respectful daughter, a faithful wife, a caring mother, a passionate lover and a sincere spiritual seeker all at the same time. Tell her how beautiful she is, how wonderful she smells, and all the things you appreciate most about her. Finally, ask her permission to passionately love her in your practice of Tantra sacred sex.
Ladies, let your man know that he is safe! He may act all macho and tough, showing little emotion, but you know that inside most men are afraid of emotional intimacy. The tougher a man acts the greater this fear of letting go, surrender and trust will likely be. Let him know that you recognize his strength, but also invite him to show his feelings. Let him know how much it turns you on when he shows some vulnerability mixed with his many strengths. Tell him how handsome he is and how talented. Mention all the things you like most about him. Tell him why you love him so strongly. Tell him how much you think about him when he is away, and how you have fantasies about making love to him and touching him when he returns. Make him believe that you really want him sexually. Finally, ask his permission to passionately love him in your practice of Tantra sacred sex.
After you have asked and received permission to love each other up, tune into each other. Two simple ways to do this are through harmonizing your breathing and by looking deep into each other's eyes. By matching your breathing rhythms and making soulful eye contact you connect energetically as well as physically. Begin to explore each other's bodies with wonder, lust and playfulness.
Remember, in Tantra sacred loving there is no goal. You are not trying to get somewhere. Each act of loving is complete in and of itself. Once you master how to work with your sexual energy both men and women will discover that they can have orgasms just by touching fingers together. Indeed, you can have orgasms just by looking into each other's eyes! So men are not in a hurry to get at the woman's breasts or into her vagina. When touching her body, start at the extremities and work in toward the breasts and genitals. Start with the fingers and toes and work in. Go slowly! Generally men enjoy having their genitals touched at any time, but women usually only enjoy having their breasts and genitals touched after they are already sexually excited from other touching, stimulating conversation, or emotional connection. Make sure the woman is well lubricated before any attempt at intercourse. If possible, help her to have a clitoral orgasm before moving on to intercourse.
The usual 5 to 15 minutes of lovemaking is typically not satisfying for most women. Men need to learn to delay ejaculation so that active lovemaking can be extended for hours. Men can learn to delay ejaculation not just during one lovemaking session, but for weeks or months at a time. Any man who masters this will eventually have the happy experience of orgasm without ejaculation. Orgasm without ejaculation will not deplete the man's energy the same way that a regular ejaculatory orgasm does. This means that a man can have more than one orgasm; indeed, he can become a multi-orgasmic-man. When the man is able to last longer, it is much more likely that his female partner will also have multiple orgasms.
Although Tantric loving lasts several hours, this does not mean you are having active intercourse during that entire time. Intercourse is interspersed with touching, oral play, quietly holding each other. It is a good idea for a man to allow his erection to subside every 30 minutes to exchange the blood supply and recharge his hormone levels.
Moving Your Energy: The Passion Pump
Riding the wave of bliss happens when the lovers become totally aroused sexually, and maintain that arousal for a period of time. They build up enormous sexual/spiritual energy. For the man, if this energy has nowhere else to go, there will be such a buildup of pressure in the prostate, that it will go into involuntary spasm and ejaculation will end the lovemaking. However, with a combination of breathing, relaxation, and muscle contraction exercises both men and women can learn to circulate sexual energy through their own and their lover's body. Ultimately the ego boundaries disappear and the lovers become one in ecstatic union.
The muscle contraction exercise is very simple. If you were urinating and stopped the flow of urine in mid-stream you would be contracting exactly the right muscles in exactly the right way. So imagine that you wanted to alternately start and stop the flow of urine. This squeezing and relaxing of muscles around your genitals is called the PC Pump. It's the first and most important exercise in learning to circulate your sexual energy.
At the peak of sexual arousal, either during intercourse or manual/oral stimulation stop your normal lovemaking movements and focus on moving the sexual energy that's pulsing in your genitals. Move it up and through your body. Use slow, deep abdominal breathing to keep your body relaxed. Add the PC pumping action and visualize moving energy up your body in a ball of fire or a wave of light or a current of electricity. Through your eyes, your hands, your genitals pass this powerful force on to your lover. At first, this may seem difficult because we are not accustomed to paying attention to our internal energy. With practice, you will be able to recognize and direct it.
Regular lovemaking usually ends when the man ejaculates, but when men have learned to postpone ejaculation stopping lovemaking then becomes a matter of choice. With Tantric loving you wind down your loving time with slow caresses, words of endearment and honoring each other with food and drink.
Sharing Wine, Food and Other Sensual Pleasures
The sharing of good food, wine and other intoxicants, sensual massage, dressing up in costumes and playing sexual games are part of the ancient Tantric tradition. While Tantra is serious, it need not be heavy. Lighten up; be playful, lusty and daring!
Tantra lovers know that they are personally responsible for their own sexual fulfillment and their own spiritual progress. This may be especially important for men. Many men experience a great deal of performance anxiety. But even the greatest, most sensitive, highly skilled Tantric lover cannot make a woman have orgasms. She must be able to go to that place in herself that is orgasmic. Sexual/spiritual ecstasy has little to do with control. It requires trust, surrender and letting go. Both lovers must learn to do this. If there is some psychological work to do before you will allow yourself to open in this way, then get on with it! In the meantime, please each other with the preparation, serving and consumption of fine food and drink. Lavish each other with touching in sensual massage. Dress up (and down!) for each other. Take on different personalities with different costumes. Wear masks! Play and laugh together often. Celebrate your spirit through your sexuality. Open your heart. Let your lover in and your love out!

Article : Sex, Commitment and Happiness

Sex, Commitment and Happiness
by Al Link and Pala Copeland ~ 4 Freedoms Relationship TantraPublished in two parts: Part I, Tone Magazine April 2003 and Part II, Tone Magazine May 2003
People who regularly experience pleasure tend to be happy and are almost certainly a lot nicer to be around. Sex is one of the healthiest and most beautiful ways to experience pleasure. A committed long-term relationship legitimizes sex and offers the needed safety and security to help you open to the many delights of sexual pleasure. Sacred sexuality practices such as Tantric and Taoist sex offer the further possibility of elevating your relationship to become a spiritual practice, thus re-uniting heaven and earth (sex and spirit). In this way it is possible to set your soul free by celebrating your body rather than denying it.
“Pleasure then becomes a universal, uplifting and healing experience that brings you closer to each other and to God, not an individual craving that sets you apart and drives you deeper into selfishness. Indeed, in this view it is the absence of pleasure that brings about suffering. For instance, developmental neuropsychologist James W. Prescott advanced the theory that deprivation of body pleasure has a direct impact on the amount of warfare and interpersonal violence. ‘The reciprocal relationship between pleasure and violence is such that one inhibits the other; when physical pleasure is high, physical violence is low. When violence is high, pleasure is low. This basic premise…provides us with the tools necessary to fashion a world of peaceful, affectionate, cooperative individuals.’ Sacred sexuality is one of those tools. By reuniting these two most powerful motivators—spirit and sex—we can heal the damage their separation has caused.”
Few things could be as important to your happiness as a relationship that satisfies through and through, and healthy passionate sexuality is one of the most important keys to relationship success. Equally important, commitment in long-term relationship seems to be essential to create a moral legitimacy for passionate sex. The simple (not necessarily easy) recipe is: relationship commitment + passionate sex = enduring happiness.
However, “even as sex is now more openly displayed, more freely accessible and almost obsessively examined, on a grand societal scale it remains at heart soul-less—separate, fleeting and essentially physical. While sex may be an expression of genuine love it is just as often a means to gain power, a bargaining tool for self-worth, a routine tension release, or a hedonistic escape. Sex may feel good, but for many, down deep it is still bad, as is most pleasure. Even though the pursuit of pleasure is part of the Canadian dream—an unassailable right—it is a guilt-ridden hunt, filtered through the notion that what comes from the body or pleases the body is against the soul. People are caught between choosing one or the other— diving headlong into hedonism—where only pleasure is important and all else falls by the wayside—or denying themselves pleasure to save the spirit.”
One step on your path to reclaim the joy of pleasure is to examine your own beliefs and assumptions about sexuality. Completing the following questionnaire will enable you to determine if you are limiting yourself with sex-negative ideas or are allowing yourself to experience the sexual/spiritual ecstasy that is your birthright.
Sexual Beliefs QuestionnaireThis is a short version of our sexual beliefs questionnaire. The full longer version appears in our book Soul Sex: Tantra for Two. These statements about sexuality are intended to help you become aware of your own (and your partner’s) beliefs, assumptions and attitudes about sex. The purpose is not to categorize you, judge you, or make you feel either good or bad. This is an exercise in sexual self-awareness. If you already have a sex-positive consciousness, you are fortunate indeed. That will make it much easier for you to progress rapidly in reclaiming your sexual ecstasy. If you discover that you are carrying the weight of a sex-negative consciousness, you are presented with a challenge and an opportunity. Your challenge is discovering how to let go of your negative conditioning. Remember, recognition is a step on the road toward change. Your opportunity is to mature spiritually as a whole human being, to celebrate life in a body that is the holy temple of your soul. In this maturity you can learn to give and receive love sexually, to surrender to your lover, to experience your birthright of bliss. Certainly, human beings have a remarkable capacity for growth.
Sex-Positive Statements
Sex is good, healthy and normal. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex is a source of pleasure and meaning in my life. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Women can be just as sexual as men. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex can continue happily on well into old age. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex can be a meditation. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex can be a spiritual practice. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex can be sacred and holy. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Through sex it is possible to have a mystical or religious experience. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I have fun with sex. Agreeo Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I can be creative in sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I have read at least one sex-instruction book since high school. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I have taken at least one workshop or course on sexuality since high school. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex is a way that I join with my partner on much more than a physical level. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I regularly communicate with my partner about what I like and do not like sexually. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Our lovemaking sometimes lasts more than one hour. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
We share being active and passive partners—givers and receivers of pleasure and initiators of sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I do not usually touch my partner’s genitals until she is very highly aroused and well lubricated. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I usually wait until she has come close to or has had an orgasm before vaginal penetration. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
We frequently open our eyes during lovemaking, and look into each other’s eyes. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
We sometimes harmonize our breathing during sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
We have learned to stay relaxed at peaks of sexual arousal. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I sometimes choose not to have an orgasm in order to build my sexual energy charge to a higher level. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I can separate orgasm from ejaculation and can have an orgasm without ejaculating. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I give my lover a prostate massage. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
We sometimes end lovemaking while we still have desire. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
The more of these statements you agree to, the more sex-positive are your attitudes, beliefs and assumptions about sex. If you agree with many or most of these statements, you are probably comfortable being in a body and with your sexuality. You are well informed and have considerable knowledge and skill of sexual technique and style. Your sexuality is likely integrated within the context of your relationship and your entire life. Sex for you is fun, healthy, normal, and possibly even sacred. You are able to give and receive pleasure, surrendering to your lover, and letting go of the need to be in control during lovemaking.
Sex-Negative StatementsAlmost everyone will answer yes to some of these negative statements. This should not be of concern to you assuming you answered yes to many more of the sex-positive statements. The opportunity is for you to become aware of any strong sex-negative bias. There are 40 questions in three categories below. If you agree with more than 15 of these questions, this indicates a fairly strong sex-negative bias. You may also want to look at the specific questions that you agree with and see if that provides you with useful information about your sexuality, indicating specific areas to work on.
You will have to decide what your answers mean by looking inside of yourself. Once you are aware of a powerful sex-negative bias, you can take steps to change it—if you want to. Soul Sex: Tantra for Two offers many ways for you to transform a sex-negative bias into a joyous celebration of spiritual sexuality. If you feel it would be helpful, you may wish to seek assistance through sexual counseling or therapy.
Current Sexual ExperienceNegative Attitudes, Beliefs and Assumptions
Sex is bad, abnormal, unhealthy, dangerous, dirty or a sin Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex without love is bad, only sex with love is acceptable. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex is acceptable only in order to have children. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
It is ok for men to like sex, but not for women to like sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Men cannot control themselves when it comes to sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
It is the woman’s responsibility to avoid provoking men’s interest in sex. If a woman looks, talks, or acts sexy, she is just asking for what she gets. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Good girls do not show interest in sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Mothers should not act, talk, dress, dance or be sexy. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Women should not initiate sex; only men should initiate sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex is just a physical thing. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Truly spiritual people are not very interested in sex, if they do have sexual interest they sublimate it. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex is a duty. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I am uncomfortable touching, hugging, and kissing in front of my children, parents, family, and friends. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I use sex to bargain for what I want. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I withhold sex to show disapproval or to punish my lover. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
The more of these statements you agree with, the more repressed is your sexuality. You probably do not enjoy sex and are likely to avoid it if possible. During sex, you may feel shame, guilt and fear. For you sex is purely physical, lacking any spiritual dimension. You may use sex manipulatively to get what you want or as a weapon to be in control.
Sexual HistoryNegative Sexual Experiences From Your Past
Sex was rarely openly discussed in my family. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
One or both of my parents taught me that sex was bad or a sin. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
There was little or no physical affection in my family. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
According to my religion or the religion I was raised with, sex is bad or is a sin, except within marriage and then, primarily for procreation. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I received little no or sex education in school. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex education in school left me with the impression that sex was bad, dangerous, dirty, or a sin. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
The longer we can delay having children learn about sex, the better. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Men and women’s naked bodies are ugly or shameful. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I feel shame or guilt when I think about or have sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I can remember at least one experience of sexual abuse, sexual trauma, or being forced to have sex against my will. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
The more of these statements you agree with, the more likely you are to carry a burden of sex-negative conditioning from home, school and/or church. There was probably little discussion of sexuality at home, and the message you received from school and church was that sex was to be avoided. You may have experienced sexual abuse or sexual trauma. You may avoid sex, or paradoxically you could be promiscuous.
Sexual Knowledge and Skill
Our lovemaking typically lasts less than 30 minutes. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Our sex usually begins and ends at the genitals; there is little or no foreplay. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Our sex has become routine or boring. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Our sex has become primarily a release of tension. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Having an orgasm is the goal of sex. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Ejaculation is usually involuntary for me. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Our sex typically ends abruptly with the man’s ejaculation. We rarely cuddle after that. We usually go to sleep or get up to do something else. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I sometimes fake orgasms. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I do not tell my lover what I like and do not like. My lover should know what I want. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I would like to learn more about sex techniques but I am afraid to admit it. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I learned what I need to know about sexual anatomy and sexual techniques in grade school or high school. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
Sex should just come naturally, planning for it or learning about makes it artificial. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I do not know how to touch my partner sexually. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I do not know where the G-spot is. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
I do not know what the prostate does. Agree o Strongly Agree o Disagree o Strongly Disagree o
The more of these statements you agree with the less satisfying your experience with sex likely is. You need more knowledge and skill to create a consistently fulfilling sex life. You entertain some common misconceptions about sex. You may not think sex is bad, but it may well be a duty or obligation, or a simple stress or tension release, rather than as a source of pleasure or as a spiritual practice. If you are a woman, you may have difficulty having orgasm. If you are a man, you may have performance anxiety and feelings of inadequacy about pleasing your partner. You may ejaculate prematurely.
Sharing Your Answers With Your LoverWe highly recommend that you share your answers with each other. Have a very honest discussion about your beliefs, attitudes and assumptions about sex. Then make decisions about how you wish to move forward in your desire to create a joyous sexuality as part of your life together. One option is to work systematically with the techniques presented in the book Soul Sex: Tantra for Two to raise your lovemaking to an art.

Article : SYBIAN: The Ultimate High-Tech, High-Touch Sexual Orgasm Aid

SYBIAN: The Ultimate High-Tech, High-Touch Sexual Orgasm Aid
By Al Link and Pala Copeland
Sybian, one of the most famous of all sexual aids for women, is without doubt the most sophisticated, presenting the ultimate blend of high-tech with high-touch. It's definitely not your everyday vibrator. It is named after the luxurious, affluent, and culturally sophisticated Italian city, Sybaris. A Sybian user is sometimes referred to as a Sybarite—one who lives a life of luxury with a spiritual orientation to pleasure and happiness.
The Sybian, developed over a period of ten years, has been manufactured, sold and serviced for the past nineteen years by the US firm Abco Research Associates. Their quality assurance standards are extremely high with few units ever being returned for servicing during the generous five year warranty period. They ship the device anywhere in the world. It works with either 120 volts or 240 volts electrical systems.
Sybian is designed for the ultimate woman, a woman who knows what she needs and wants and is willing to take responsibility for her own sexual fulfillment. She knows that both partner sex and masturbation are good for her. Whether you are with a sexual playmate or on your own, consider what this sensual marvel has to offer. Priced at around $1,300 US, the Sybian is not affordable for some, but is a great value for anyone, if you want something built to last a lifetime, and you can stretch your budget to make room for this pampering companion. Why not take Abco Research Associates up on their offer of a forty-five day money back guarantee? With a guarantee like that, anyone can at least try this device and see for themselves if it works for them, as it has for so many satisfied, orgasmically happy campers. Read on to find out what the Sybian has to offer you in the privacy and comfort of your home.
Here are some of Sybian’s high-tech features:
Few moving parts.
Engineered for years of trouble free and maintenance free use for a lifetime of pleasure.
Five year warranty.
Less than one percent of all units sold over the past 19 years returned for any kind of warranty servicing.
Forty-five day money back guarantee if not completely satisfied.
Light weight at only twenty-two pounds.
Easily portable in plastic housing with convenient carry handholds.
Wide variety of vibrator attachments for contacting and stimulating the yoni (vagina), clitoris, g-spot, and anus.
Suitable for all body sizes and shapes and all yoni sizes.
All body-contact parts are easily washable, including the super durable naugahyde housing cover.
Contains no latex. Inserts in the form of dildo, knob, and finger style attachments are manufactured from the material Dynaflex with no known or reported allergic reactions.
Approximate dimensions are only 13” wide by 12” long and 10” high.
Rated to safely carry up to 1,000 pounds!
Gear and rotation motors are separately controlled for your pleasure.
Shipping worldwide: available for both 120 volt or 240 volt electrical systems.
Here are some of Sybian’s high-touch features:
Product demonstration video available for easy learning how to use most effectively.
Many women report having their first-ever orgasm.
Many women begin to regularly experience multiple orgasms.
Many women report they are able to have orgasms during sexual intercourse with their lover after learning how to do that first with the Sybian.
Wonderful when you are physically separated from your lover.
Perfect if you are alone, not in a sexual relationship with anyone.
Absolutely no risk of pregnancy, AIDS or any other sexually transmitted diseases.
Incredibly erotic for lovers to watch their partner ride the Sybian.
Excellent sexual learning aid for young, inexperienced females.
Excellent aid for re-awakening active sexuality for women over 60 years of age.
Perfect present for the woman who already has everything.
Takes the performance pressure off male lovers, helping them to overcome problems of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
Perfect to get her ready before sexual intercourse.
Perfect to finish the job started with a lover who ejaculates before she is fully satisfied.
Sexual stimulation and pleasuring can last absolutely as long as you desire it to. Permanently end all sexual frustration because the lovemaking does not last long enough for your complete fulfillment and pleasure.
Recommended by many sex therapists and counselors.
Your privacy is guaranteed. Abco Research Associates will not sell or give your name to anyone. Product is packaged and shipped with no indication of the contents.


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