Sunday, February 24, 2008

Article : Top 7 Benefits Of Owning A Home Treadmill

by: Timothy Rudon

Fitness is a world mantra. Old and young are aiming for fitness, beauty and vitality. The way to stay fit is to exercise. The best form of exercise according to fitness gurus in walking. But world over today treadmills are extremely popular and outsell other fitness machines.

There are over 60 million treadmill owners and the number grows by over 10% each year.

Walking on treadmills has many benefits:

1. Regular walking burns calories and ones muscles. It makes blood flow and oxygenation increases. Treadmills are known to help burn calories at faster rate than any other form of exercise.

2. Treadmills prevent the body from becoming complacent and constant present the muscles with variations as well as increased levels of difficulty.

3. Exercising on a treadmill is perfect cardio vascular exercise.

4. With a treadmill in the home aspects like good weather, rain, snow, or sleet does not matter. The walking can be done from the comfort of home or office and an anytime.

5. Treadmills are low impact and so injuries are minimized. High end treadmills have surfaces that reduce impact and reduce pressure. Achilles heels, tendons, knee joints, back muscles, ankles, and thighs are all protected from injury while burning calories.

6. Treadmills have many options and so you can set fitness goals and stimulate running up and down hills, work on speed training, set conditioning goals, and weight loss aims.

7. Benefits include working of all skeletal muscles, the heart and respiratory system. So with the least amount of effort and time spent the needs are met. THRT , or target heart rate training is achieved.

It is possible to reap the benefits of good health by buying the right kind of treadmill. Buying a treadmill is not important it is its proper use by chalking out an optimal exercise program. Exercise routines can be completed while listening to music or watching television. All that is essential is determination and a good pair of running shoes. A study reported in the Journal of American Medicine indicated that exercising on a treadmill outpaced an exercise bicycle, rowing machine, or cross country skiing machine.

Burning calories is one aspect of using a treadmill. Other benefits are seen in people suffering from hypertension, osteoporosis, back pain, or knee troubles.

According to Harvard Medical School walking for forty-five minutes five times a week will cut your chances of getting the flu or cold by half. Treadmills are beneficial and even have advance features that help track the progress of the user. To reap maximal benefits users must learn all about the correct footwork, hip rotation, arm swing, and footwear. To maximize the work out it is important to aim for the target heart rate zone. For this an user needs to subtract his or her age from 220 to deduce the maximum heart rate or MHR. The ideal target zone should be between 50-90 % of the target zone.

A treadmill can put users on the fast track to good health.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

High Cholesterol More Likely In Overweight

High Cholesterol More Likely In Overweight by: Zinn Jeremiah
Risks of overweight to health are pretty well documented by this point. Many if not most people have heard news about the damage that too much weight can cause to the body's functioning. These warnings typically emphasize damage to internal organs however, and don't spend a great deal of time on how overweight can affect the muscular skeletal region of the body. The fact of the matter is however overweight stress can have a profound and immediate impact on how a person is able to function. When considering internal bodily functions, one of the major risks in being overweight is the development of high cholesterol. The term high cholesterol is actually a bit vague since cholesterol is fairly wide ranging, and not all cholesterol is harmful. In truth, cholesterol is found in the cells of all tissue and cholesterol is required in the building and development of cells. Without cholesterol in some form, the human body wouldn't function or develop normally. When discussing cholesterol that adversely affects health, the term that's really being referred to is a form of cholesterol found in the blood stream. Lipids, or fat, in the blood stream are made up of cholesterol to a considerable degree. The process itself is a bit complex and medically specific, but in essence blood cholesterol is transported by proteins, and one of those proteins is called LDL, shorthand for low-density lipoproteins. The term bad cholesterol refers to LDL because of LDL's connection to disease of the arteries. The higher the levels of LDL, the higher the chances for circulatory problems including heart disease and stroke. High levels of LDL then is what's really meant by references to high cholesterol. High LDL levels can be an inherited trait, but are just as likely if not more likely to be brought about by diet. People who eat foods heavy in saturated fats in particular are more inclined to have high LDL levels than people who consume only moderate or small amounts of saturated fats. Though overweight isn't necessarily from diets high in fat, diets high in fat consumed over time have a good chance of adding extra weight to a person's body frame. Irrespective of whether it's caused specifically by diet or by something else, overweight people typically have LDL levels that are higher than people who aren't overweight. It's clear why one should be concerned about elevated LDL levels: high levels of LDL are strongly associated with heart disease. This is frequently why routine physical examinations include a blood exam that checks for LDL levels. Any person who is overweight and has high LDL levels will almost certainly be recommended to lose weight. The good news is that weight loss is correlated with lower LDL levels. It's one more way that losing weight improves one's health outlook.

Article : Negative Effects Of Lap Band Surgery: Know The Other Side Of Lap Band Surgery

Negative Effects Of Lap Band Surgery: Know The Other Side Of Lap Band Surgery by: Alan James
No doubts Lap Band Surgery is doing wonders. Results of Lap Band Surgery have no match with other methods to lose weight, but with the quality of reducing weight, it has some negative effects also. Negative effects mean the troubles and pains which the patient has to suffer from. Troubles and pains associated with the Lap Band Surgery are complications and guidelines which are to be followed by the patient. Guidelines means working out for at least 30 minutes everyday, staying away from your favorite thing like cakes, chips, syrups, honey, cookies, pies, pastries, rice, shrimp, pasta, seeded fruits, dried fruit, peanut butter, nuts and vegetables. Lap Band is more risky for the people above 45 year. They may have risk of their lives also. Number of complications may appear after Lap Band Surgery. Some of those complications are Abdominal hernias, Bloating, Bowel obstruction, Cardiac problems, Close monitoring of food intake, Complicated and dangerous procedures, Death, Depression, Dizziness, Excess skin, Excess sweating, Financial distress, Gallstones, Gas, Hair loss or thinning of hair, Increased risk of other medical complications, Infections, Leaks or perforations causing internal infection, Marital and relationship distress, Nausea, Nutritional deficiencies, Opening later proves to be too small or too large, Psychological distress, Risk increases for age, Spleen injury or tear, Temporarily avoiding pregnancy, Uncomfortable and embarrassing procedures, Vomiting, and Wound infection etc. Lap Band is inflatable, silicon, prosthetic device in which a round silicon device is connected to the access port through a tube. Round part of Lap Band is placed around the stomach to divide the stomach into two parts, leaving a pore between the parts to pass the food into lower part from upper part. Port is used to adjust the holding capacity of food of the upper part of the stomach by injecting saline water into port, which is used to make the Lap Band tight or lose. Slippage can happen. Slippage is an unusual occurrence where the lower part of the stomach prolapses over the Lap Band and cause an obstruction. Some of the mechanical malfunctions that can occur after Lap Band Surgery are leakage from the port, cracking of the kink-resistant tubing or a disruption of the tubing connection from the port to the band, port site pain and port displacement. Erosion can occur. This is where the band may wear a small area on the outside of the stomach which can lead to the migration of the band to the inside of the stomach. The pore may also get blocked due to unchewed food. Numbers of risks are there involved in Lap Band, but they all can be treated or avoided if proper care is taken after the surgery.

Article : Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease

Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease by: Mary Rose
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder .It is a progressive and fatal brain disease. Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German physician first drew attention to it in 1906.Since then, a great deal has been learnt about the disease by the scientists. It is estimated that more than 5 million now have Alzheimer's disease. It destroys brain cells, triggering problems with memory, thinking and behavior serious enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social life. Alzheimer's gets worse over time, and it is fatal. At present it is the seventh-leading cause of death. As we grow older, our brains too change, similar to the rest of our body organs. Most of us experience mild forgetfulness a normal part of aging. It is fine as long as it is not acute. But when it causes hurdles in our day to day activities, it must be accepted as a sign of failure of brain cells. The brain has 100 billion nerve cells and each nerve cell communicates with others to develop a network. These networks have special jobs such as thinking, learning and remembering, whereas some help us to see, hear and smell others tell our muscles when to move. In order to carry out their functions efficiently, brain cells operate like small factories. They take in supplies, generate energy, construct equipment and get rid of waste. In Alzheimer's disease, parts of the cell's factory stop running perfectly. Scientists are not sure exactly where the trouble starts. As in the case of a real factory, backups and breakdowns in one system set off troubles in other areas. As damage spreads out, cells lose their capacity to function well. Ultimately, they die. Children exposure to lead could lead to Alzheimer's later in life. Lead has toxic side effects, associated with degenerative conditions of the brain, which can appear decades after children are exposed. It is a risk factor and it does not mean the lead exposure causes Alzheimer's disease. The best nutrients to preserve memory as one gets older are the nutrients that have been shown to cut Alzheimer's risk. These are Niacin, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C and Vitamin E. Green leafy vegetables have also been shown to combat memory loss. Scientists have found out that Concord grape juice may prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease. The polyphenols present in the grape juice produced preventive factors. The polyphenols prevent the accumulation of beta-amyloid in the brain, and their formation into plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease. Although this research is preliminary, nevertheless it is very encouraging. The polyphenol rich Concord grape juice may play a potential protective role in maintaining long term cognitive health. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, cereals, but low in meat and dairy products helps to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The use of turmeric too is beneficial. It is advisable to drink alcohol in moderation. A new device has been developed to detect the cognitive decline associated with early stages of Alzheimer's disease .It is an inexpensive and easy to administer test which has given millions of potential Alzheimer's sufferers a chance to slow the diseases advance. The device is expected to be commercialized later this year. Finally, it is necessary to keep our brain active. Read the papers, solve crosswords, figure out puzzles, socialize and keep contact with people. Discuss the kind of medication one is using with the family doctor. Some medicines like sleeping pills and certain combinations of medicines may adversely affect the memory. Take plenty of exercise. Consult a doctor if you or one of your loved ones isn't behaving or thinking normally.

Books : Complete Idiot's Guide To Amazing Sex (Audio Book)

Complete Idiot's Guide To Amazing Sex (Audio Book) Audio Book 24 MBYou're no idiot, of course! You know theres more to sex than the missionary position, that oral sex doesnt mean talking about sex, and that safe sex doesnt mean doing it in a bank vault. But when it comes to having a truly amazing sexual encounter, you feel like theres just no sizzle in your sex life. You can make things hot! The Complete Idiots Guide to Amazing Sex has fresh advice on how to make smart sexual choices, cast aside your inhibitions, and keep your sex life exciting well into your golden years. In this Complete Idiots guide, Sari Locker gives you.In The Complete Idiot's GuideA (R) to Amazing Sex, Sari Locker taught us all that sex doesn't have to be restricted merely to the old missionary position; she amply illustrated how to put some exciting sizzle into our sex lives, by casting aside inhibitions and experimenting with sexual positions that would have made the authors of the Kama Sutra blush. Now, in the updated and revised edition, Ms. Locker has added even more titillating tips ("Ten Steps to Better Orgasms," "Straight Talk About Penises"), sexy sidebars ("More Fun Ways to Kiss"), and a host of other better-sex related issues, including advanced massage techniques, creating new and exciting sexual fantasies to share with your partner, and best of all, a number of new sexual positions. Like the first edition, The Complete Idiot's GuideA (R) to Amazing Sex, Second Edition will be fully illustrated with tantalizing photos.

Books : 269 Amazing Sex Games Book

Bestselling author Hugh de Beer, inventor of the wildly popular Foreplay board game, offers a steamy variety of fun and games for you and your partner, any time you want to, ignite the fires of passion, add spice to your erotic play, stretch your carnal imagination, and bring your lover incredible delight. For grown-ups who love to play, "269 Amazing Sex Games" is packed with ideas, tips, and tricks for an outrageously good time. (Sex Books)

Article : To use or not to use condoms?

SAFETY - The most important subject in sex.
Regrettably, many people still don’t use condoms or other ways of contraception. I don’t know why, that is just stupid and irresponsible. Not only do YOU risk diaper hunting but you also risk getting some of the STD s (sexually transmitted diseases) like AIDS, Herpes, Syphilis, Hepatitis A, B, C, D etc.

Article : Eye Care

Eye Care by: Mary Rose
The eyes are the window to your soul and therefore need special care and attention especially so, with increasing pollution and levels of dust and grime. While we tend to look after our skin and hair and other parts of the body, we tend to relegate eye care to the background. There are several simple and easy solutions to all problems related to eye care from relaxation to dark circles and crow's feet. The following tips provide you complete treatment for your eyes. All you need to do is to set aside few minutes everyday for eye care. It will benefit you in the long run. You can then possess healthy and beautiful eyes devoid of crow's feet and dark circles around the eyes. The first and foremost in eye care is the diet. Make sure that your intake includes plenty of fruits and vegetables specially the yellow ones like carrots, mangoes, papaya etc. All these are rich in beta carotene which helps to have healthy eyes. Spinach is also good for the health of your eyes. Rest is vital in the eye care routine. It will not only refresh the eyes but also improve their efficiency. Therefore take adequate rest. Regular exercise is mandatory to improve blood circulation. It will supply enough oxygen for the perfect functioning of the eyes.Simple everyday eye exercise like closing your eyes gently for 30 seconds to relax them in between your work, rotating your eyes often to relax muscles and moving your eyeballs from extreme left corner to the right corner is good for maintaining healthy eyes. To prevent blurred vision follow this simple exercise. Hold a pencil at arm's length and slowly bring it towards your nose, keeping eyes focused at all times The skin around the eyes is very thin and full of blood vessels, which makes it sensitive to changes in the body especially those related to retention and distribution of water. In most cases puffiness in and around the eyes is often noticed upon waking up in the morning. Mild puffiness is usually only a temporary cosmetic concern. However if puffiness is severe or persistent and accompanied by swelling of the face or other parts, it may indicate other conditions like thyroid or kidney diseases and calls for immediate medical attention. Even though puffiness is accumulation of excess fluid, when the body gets dehydrated, it stores water as a defense mechanism, which contributes to further puffiness. Therefore, drinking adequate water is an important part of eye care. Drink at least a liter of water to avoid any kind of puffiness in the eyes. Drinking lots of water helps to flush out waste from the body. Avoid excessive rubbing of your eyes as the irritation caused due to rubbing or touching will only cause more puffiness. Instead just blink your eyelids. Blinking is a good massage and exercise to the eyes.Milk is a good and safe natural cleanser. Clean your eyes using a clean cotton ball dipped in milk. Rose water drops gives a good glow to your eyes. Castor oil application is good for your eye lashes and eye brows. It keeps them dense and dark. Protect your eyes from sunrays during the peak daytime by wearing sunglasses. The usual home remedies like cold water compress, cucumber slices, tea bags, application of egg whites and grated potatoes under the eyes for about 10 minutes are effective. It helps to avoid under eye wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes. Even if you have no complaints it's important to see a doctor and have a routine eye check up. The above eye care tips will ensure that your pair of eyes remains healthy and beautiful for a very long time.


Anthony Fiore, Ph.D.
"Life without love is like a coconut in which the milk is dried up." Henry David Thoreau
"Good sex....Improves our health and may even contribute to our longevity."
Scientific evidence is accumulating support what many of us have suspected all along: good sex not only adds great enjoyment to our lives, but it also actually improves our health and may even contribute to our longevity.
In a new book called Sexual Healing, Dr. Paul Pearsall, Director of Behavioral Medicine at Detroit's Beaumont Hospital, writes that the joys and pleasures of living life and loving may provide us with something called an "intimacy inoculation" that actually protects us from disease.
Dr. Pearsall, who cites numerous other researchers, concludes, "Growing numbers of physicians now recognize that the health of the human heart depends not only on such factors as genetics, diet, and exercise, but also --to a large extent-- on the social and emotional health of the individual."
Sexual healing is achieved primarily through the daily challenge of maintaining a close, intimate relationship which, when accomplished, leads to balance between our health and healing systems.
Can lack of sexual intimacy create a risk factor for certain diseases? Dr. Pearsall cites research and his own clinical experience ndicating that sexual dissatisfaction seems to be prevalent prior to a heart attack in a high percentage of persons. Conversely, sexual contentment appears related to less severe migraine headaches, fewer and less-severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome for women, and a reduction in symptoms related to chronic arthritis for both genders.
Although the exact biological mechanisms are not yet identified, many researchers are investigating how our thoughts, feelings, brain, immune system and sexual/genital system interact, influence each other, and affect our health. There may be an actual biological drive toward closeness, intimacy, and being connected to other human beings.
When we experience intimate, mutually caring sexual intimacy, we may experience a measurable change in neurochemicals and hormones that pour through the body and help promote health and healing.
"Hormones that pour through the body help promote health and healing."
Does this mean that to live longer or be more healthy we just need to DO IT more often or better? Of course not! Sex is a much broader concept that genital connecting or having an orgasm. Psychologist and author Gina Ogden, Ph.D. notes in her book, "Women Who Love Sex", that sex has everything to do with openness, connection to and bonding with a partner, feelings about what is happening to us, and memories. For those who love it, sex permeates their lives and is not merely a specialized, time-intensive, physical activity that takes place under the covers--as quickly as possible.
As a result of interviewing many women, Dr. Ogden learned that sexual desire, or lust, was produced by much more than physical stimulation. For women, according to Dr.Ogden, it has more to do with feelings of connectedness in their relationships: "Heart to heart, soul to soul, even mind to mind."
"For women, it has to do with feelings of connectedness in their relationships."
When discussing sexual connecting, Dr. Ogden's interviewees spoke of a FLOWING CONTINUUM OF PLEASURE, ORGASM, AND ECSTASY, rather than a one-time experience. They also described peak sexual experiences as coming from stimulation all over their bodies--not just from their genitals--including fingers, toes, hips, lips, neck, and earlobes.
Obviously, arousal and satisfaction evolve not only from receiving sexual energy, but also from the joy of stimulating one's partner. Sex, then, is a commitment of give and take.
Finally, the women Dr. Ogden studied have their own concepts of safe sex, essential to experiencing sexual pleasure and ecstasy. This kind of safe sex does NOT relate to preventing STDs or pregnancy; it relates, instead, to emotional and spiritual safety. Such safety is CRUCIAL for sexual closeness. Most of the women insisted that warm, loving connections with themselves and with their partners were essential to and inseparable from the experience of sexual ecstasy.
When people feel deeply close while merely holding hands, they are having sex. When people display caring for each other through hugs, caresses, and kissing, they are also having sex. When connecting people in a crowded room wink at each other in their own secret way, they are communicating sex to each other; such non-contact sex can be excitedly arousing and emotionally fulfilling. And, of course, during sexual union when the sky seems to open so a lightning bolt can strike the couple--while fireworks ignite and the earth stops spinning-- this is sex, too.
But wait. Do men also need this almost spiritual connection to enjoy sex and achieve good health? Well, yes and no. Men need sex and men need emotional connection, but many men don't necessarily need to put the two together!
According to Dr. Bernie Zilbergelt, who wrote The New Male Sexuality, sex for women is intertwined with personal connection. For some men , sex is unto itself--an act to be engaged in with or without love, with or without commitment, with or without connection.
Presently, younger boys are being socialized in a more enlightened manner; consequently, male attitudes toward sexual union are changing. But,unfortunately, the socialization of many men born in or before the 60's provided very little information of value to the formation and maintenance of intimate relationships. These men were taught, as youths, that males showed love by doing, not by talking or "connecting" with girls.
"Fortunately, anyone can...restore closeness, intimacy, and sexual flow."
Older men were usually also socialized to be strong and self-reliant, which usually means one doesn't easily talk about or admit personal problems. Many such men do not acknowledge worries and fears to their partners; they simply try to handle everything on their own.
A consequence of such reticence is (1) lack of intimacy in the relationship, with the wife feeling "left out" of her husband's life; and (2) men often don't get what they need because they don't know how to ask for it, so they feel distanced and frustrated when they really want closeness and intimacy as much as their partner does.
Sex under these conditions creates distance in the relationship or creates sexual dysfunction which drives an even deeper wedge into the relationship. This is especially true if a man is married to a woman must be wanted by her husband to have her sexuality validated.
Consequently, sex routinely becomes mechanical, unfeeling, and unfulfilling. Fortunately, anyone can break this vicious cycle and restore closeness, intimacy, and sexual flow in the relationship.

Article : Fitness Health Tip by: Mary Rose

Fitness Health Tip
by: Mary Rose
Everybody dreams of being healthy, beautiful and fit. The first fitness health tip is to believe that we are what we eat. Eat healthy and one will be healthy and beautiful. Healthy eating means eating three regular balanced meals-breakfast, lunch and dinner daily and making sure that each meal is a combination of carbohydrate and protein foods. Meals should include cereals, pulses, milk or curd, eggs, chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables. There is a fitness health tip which may come as a pleasant surprise and that is- Adding sugar is not a crime. Three to four teaspoon of sugar a day is permitted if one is not diabeticFinally, the whole secret of fitness and weight control rests on how much oil is consumed daily and how much fatty foods are eaten in a day. The normal requirement is 2-3 or 3-4 teaspoons oil per person per day. One may indulge in richer food twice in a week. Another fitness health tip is that the major reason for an overweight and unhealthy body is a change in lifestyle. Today we don't walk anywhere, and hop into and out of cars. We also spend a lot of time sitting in front of television and computer. This is one reason why people in their 20's and 30's suffer from hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes. Everybody from six years and above must ensure that a regular exercise session is fixed in the daily routine. A 20-30 minutes walk must be taught and practiced as regularly as brushing the teeth and bathing.It is also important to avoid too many soft drinks and packed juices which most of us prefer and stock in our refrigerator. It not only increases our body weight but also harms our teeth and skin. Rather we should resolve to drink plenty of water. To conclude, there is no magic wand to achieve healthy, beautiful and fit body. It is imperative to keep a watch on what we eat. Keep the diet well balanced, regular and complete with salad and fruits. Make sure that one is active throughout the day and follow a regular fitness program that is in sync with the age, body and health.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Article : Acid Reflux Recovery Diet And Recipes

Acid Reflux Recovery Diet And Recipes
by: Charles Stewart Richey

Curing oneself of the condition called acid reflux can be accomplished by using natural, healthy methods. I suffered from this condition for years, taking harmful, expensive PPI drugs (proton inhibitors), which only masked the symptoms. These drugs, not only had myriad side effects, but became ineffective over time. I was forced to find another answer. I wanted to cure myself without the use of drugs. My doctor was no help. He didn't have a clue about natural healing and nutrition. After a great deal of research I discover that with the proper use of herbs, health store items, meditation, exercise and diet, one can heal themselves of acid reflux. The first thing that I learned is that acid reflux, sometimes called gerd (gastro esophageal reflux disease), is not a disease at all. Contrary to what the medical community would have us believe, it is simply a condition, brought on by poor eating habits. Besides eating the wrong foods, not chewing food properly is probably the root cause of this ailment. The Acid reflux condition would not exist without a damaged esophagus and a weakened LES (lower esophageal sphincter). If the condition is to be eliminated, healing the esophagus must be the first order of business. During this reflux recovery period, eating anything which could irritate or damage the esophagus, must be avoided. Things like poorly chewed chips, crackers, cereal or any hard foods with sharp edges are culinary culprits - they cause little lacerations to develop in the esophagus. Until the lacerations have had a chance to heal, spicy foods, such as acidic tomato products, hot peppers, raw garlic and raw onions should also be eliminated from the diet. They just further irritate the condition. Smoking and drinking alcohol relax the LES, allowing stomach acid to splash up into the esophagus, thus impeding the healing process. The key to acid reflux recovery is to eat only mild, easy to digest food until the esophagus has healed. Eat early, giving yourself at least three hours of sitting or walking time before lying down. Eat slowly and chew your food completely. Last, but not least, try to eat in a relaxed, pleasant and stress free environment. I have listed a few of my favorite recipes that I enjoyed during my own recovery period. They can be made quickly and easily. Try doubling these recipes so that you can reheat them later in the week... less time in the kitchen. Remember that cooking from scratch, instead of relying on convenience foods, is a better approach to good health, in general. It's also nice to know what you're really eating. For breakfast, I believe that fresh fruit is the best way to go. I especially like melon and papaya. For lunch I eat more fruit like apples, bananas and, perhaps some almonds, or walnuts. It's better to eat many little healthy meals during the day. I try to buy only organic fruits, however, sometimes when I am rushed, I purchase "ready to go" containers of mixed fruit at the grocery store. Try to stay away from pineapple, as I find it hard to digest. How about starters in the evening? Serving vegetables raw is the ultimate healthy way to present them. Try creating a beautiful platter of crudité (crew di tay) better known as elegant rabbit food. Serve it with a savory tofu dip. Use cauliflower, broccoli, English cucumbers, radishes, green & yellow zucchinis, Belgium endive, carrot sticks, whole small mushrooms, or whatever appeals to you. Cut the vegetables in bite size pieces for dipping. The Belgium endive is a natural edible scoop for dipping. Just cut off the ends and peel off the leaves. Make the tofu dip by putting one package of soft or silken tofu in a food processor or blender, adding garlic powder, cumin, paprika and chopped chives or parsley for flavor and color. Season with salt & pepper to taste. Add a little fresh squeezed lemon juice if the mixture is too thick. Process until smooth and creamy. If you are in a rush, ready made dips and raw vegetable platters are available in the produce sections of most supermarkets, but make a concerted effort to eat only organic, if possible. I hope that you enjoy the following dishes. Even though I have cured myself of acid reflux, I still serve these recipes on a regular basis. I prefer food slightly under cooked. Feel free to adjust the cooking times and seasonings according to your own taste. Bon appetite! Sautéed White Fish On A Bed Of Mashed Potatoes This recipe is for one serving. Increase the ingredients for additional servings as needed. * One 4oz filet of white fish (orange roughly, sole, turbot, flounder, etc) * One med. Potato * Steamed green vegetable such as broccoli, spinach, peas or asparagus * Parsley or chives for garnish * 1/4 tbsp unsalted butter, olive oil or Pam We will start with the potatoes because they take the longest to cook and they tend to retain their heat the longest. (The fish and vegetable take only minutes to cook.) Peel and cube potato. Place in cold water to cover. Bring to the boil, and then simmer until fork tender. Drain, leaving just enough cooking liquid for mashing or whipping. You may also use the vegetable broth (recipe below) instead. Add salt to taste. Hold in a warm place. Season fish with salt and pepper to taste. Place non-stick sauté pan over med high heat. Add butter, oil or spray with Pam. When not quite smoking, add fish. Cook two minutes, turn and cook other side for two minutes, or until the filet is light brown and cooked through. If the filet is very thin, one minute on each side may be enough. (You can broil or bake the fish if desired) Serve fish on top of mashed potatoes, surrounded by the steamed vegetables. Garnish with chopped parsley or chives. Vegetable Broth This broth is very alkaline and rich in minerals. It can be served as a simple soup, or used as a stock (as above) for cooking. Cook and save the potatoes and beets to use as a vegetable side dish or to add to soup. * 2 cups red skinned potato peelings * 3 cups celery stalk * 2 cups celery tops * 2 cups beet tops * 1 small zucchini or yellow squash * 2 cups carrots * One small onion * Sprig of parsley * 2-1/2 quarts distilled water Chop all vegetables into very fine pieces. Place in water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes. Strain & refrigerate for future use. Note: By cooking pearled barley in the finished broth with the addition of chopped vegetables, one can prepare a healthy soup for a first course. Pasta Primavera Primavera means "spring" in Italian. This pasta dish offers a great opportunity to use all the wonderful fresh spring vegetables at your disposal. However, you can make this dish anytime of the year by using whatever fresh vegetables you can find at your food market. I have chosen a mixture of vegetables that I happen to love, for this recipe. You can use these or replace them with your favorites. During the reflux healing period, try to stay away from tomatoes, raw onions and raw garlic. I have included garlic in this recipe (*see note regarding roasted garlic). If you can tolerate a little garlic, then make sure to cook it well at a low temperature, without browning it. If you want to be a bit daring, you can add the optional cup of heavy cream. You may substitute parsley for the basil and the penne regatta for fettuccini, or another pasta. The whole family can enjoy this classic pasta dish. * 1 cup sliced mushrooms * 1 cup sliced carrots * 1 cup baby peas * 1 cup sliced asparagus spears * 1 cup snow peas or sugar snaps * 2 cloves garlic finely chopped or roasted * 1 lb. penne regatta * 1 tsp. salt * 3 tbsp extra virgin, first cold pressed olive oil * 1/2 cup shredded basil * 1/2 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese * 1/2 cup heavy cream (optional) Place a steamer basket in a pot with a small amount of water and bring to the boil. Place vegetables in basket, cover and steam until tender (about 4 minutes). Rinse under cold running water to stop the cooking and preserve the color, and drain. To a large pot of boiling water, add salt and the penne regatta. Cook uncovered according to the instructions on box, preferably al dente. Meanwhile in a large sauté pan, heat the olive oil. Add the garlic and cook at a low flame for a couple of minutes (do not brown). Add the steamed vegetables and optional heavy cream and raise the heat to medium. Cook just enough to heat. Drain the pasta and add to the sauté pan and mix well. Sprinkle with Parmigianino Reggiano, and shredded basil. Heat the dish thoroughly and serve. If the dish needs more salt, use extra cheese instead, at the table. Serve this dish with a heart of romaine salad with lemon chive dressing (recipe below) NOTE: It takes more than two cloves of roasted garlic, for this recipe. On a sheet of aluminum foil place two heads of garlic and cut the stem end off with a knife. Drizzle a little olive oil over them and wrap tightly. Bake in a 400 degree oven for one hour. When cool enough to handle, squeeze out the roasted garlic, into a bowl, discarding the shells. Mash well with a fork. Another use for roasted garlic is my version of pesto sauce. I use walnuts instead of pine nuts, which I find indigestible, with the roasted garlic and basil. Use whatever proportion you like and drizzle first pressed, extra virgin olive oil into the blender. If your sauce is too thin, adjust with more walnuts, basil and garlic. If it is too thick, use more olive oil. This is all a matter of taste. Serve with your favorite pasta. I prefer linguini or fettuccini. Lemon Chive Salad Dressing This is a simple, yet classic vinaigrette for green salads. Use heart of Romaine, Boston or Bipp lettuce. Make this dressing and hour or so before serving, in order that the chive flavor is fully incorporated. Remember to toss well before serving. The advantage here is using lemon juice, instead of vinegar. I find that lemon juice becomes alkaline after being ingested. * 1 lemon juiced * Sea salt (pinch) * 3 tbsp. extra fine sugar * 6 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil * 6 tbsp. minced chives (you can't have too many) * Freshly ground black pepper Combine lemon juice, salt and sugar in a mixing bowl. Whisk until the sugar and salt are dissolved. Continue whisking in the olive oil, chives and several grinds of pepper. Keep whisking until dressing is emulsified. NOTE: You can make this dressing for two by reducing the lemon juice to two tbsp. and the other ingredients by 1/3. Keep left over dressing in a jar in fridge for future use. It will keep for about a week. Savory Lentils With Texmati Brown Rice * 1 lb of organic lentils (2 1/2 cups), rinsed * 8 cups water or stock * 1 onion, chopped * 3 cloves of garlic, chopped * 2 carrots, sliced * 2 stalks celery, chopped * 1 bay leaf * 2 sprigs of thyme, or 1/2 tsp dried * Organic Texmati brown rice (follow instructions on package) To a large pot bring water and lentils to a boil. Add other ingredients. Reduce to the simmer, partially covered. Cook until tender (about 20 to 30 minutes), stirring occasionally and adding more liquid as needed.. Remove the bay leaf and thyme sprigs. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve over organic Texmati brown rice. Garnish with chopped parsley. Serve with a light green salad, dressed with the lemon chive dressing above. Baked Chicken Breasts on Mushroom Caps With Steamed Broccoli And New Potatoes * 6 chicken breasts (either bone in or halves with skin on) * 1 tsp dried thyme * Olive oil * 6 large Portobello mushrooms (or enough smaller mushrooms to cover the bottom of the baking pan) * 1 tbsp minced garlic * Salt & pepper to taste * 2 cups dry white wine or dry vermouth * 1/4 cup fresh chopped parsley Place rack in center of oven and preheat to 400 degrees. Into a lightly oiled baking pan, large enough to hold chicken breasts, arrange mushrooms gill side down. Sprinkle with minced garlic, salt & pepper. Pour wine over mushrooms. Place chicken breasts skin side up over mushrooms and brush with olive oil. Bake uncovered about 20 minutes, until the breasts are golden brown. If the wine has evaporated during the cooking process, add a little more (for those of you who can't tolerate alcohol, keep in mind that it burns off during the cooking process, leaving only the flavor). Baste the breasts with the pan juices and turn over. Cook until breasts are completely done and springy to the finger, about 15 minutes more. With a slotted spoon, place the chicken and mushrooms on a platter, mushrooms on the bottom and breasts on top, skin side up. Skim off excess fat and spoon juices over the chicken. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve with steamed broccoli and boiled new potatoes. (Substitute brown rice for potatoes, if desired) Stir Fried Shrimp And Vegetables Served Over Millet, Brown Rice Or Quinoa * 3 tbsp Canola oil * 1 lb. raw medium peeled shrimp * 2 cups broccoli florets * 2 cups sliced mushrooms * 4 scallions, trimmed and chopped * 2 tbsp Garlic, minced * 2 tbsp fresh ginger, minced * 1 cup cold vegetable broth (see recipe above), mixed with 2tbsps, cornstarch * 1 package of organic millet Into a hot wok or sauté pan pour oil until just smoking. Add vegetables and stir constantly to cook al dente. Add shrimp and continue to stir until just turning pink. Add broth and cover for a couple of minutes until shrimp is almost done. Uncover and add cornstarch mixture, stir until thickened and turn off heat. Serve over millet cooked according to package instructions. Season to taste with tamari light soy sauce. NOTE: This dish must be done very quickly, as you don't want to over cook the shrimp or the vegetables. I have chosen Millet because it is an extremely alkaline grain. It is neutral in taste and will absorb the flavors of this dish. You may substitute brown rice instead. Bon Appetite!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Article : Produce: The Roots of Good Health

Produce: The Roots of Good Health
by: Chris Robertson

Even if we roll our eyes when we hear it, "Eat your veggies" is a maxim that we'd be well advised to heed. Our mothers and grandmothers instinctively knew that fresh fruit and vegetables were good for us, and science has reinforced the value of fresh produce in keeping our bodies in peak condition. Nevertheless, we often skimp on eating root vegetables, either because they seem boring or we don't know how to best prepare them. These nutrition-packed powerhouses are worth a second look, though. Here's an overview that will hopefully inspire you to reach for the roots when you're in the produce section of your grocery store.

Captivating Carrots

Oh, the ubiquitous carrot. Baby carrots are peeled, washed, and sealed in plastic bags for a no-fuss, no-muss snack. But carrots aren't given credit for their variety or versatility. For example, not all carrots are orange. The next time you want to experiment, be on the lookout for white, yellow, red, and even purple carrots. They can be used in recipes, or to add vibrant color to your plates.

Speaking of recipes, carrots can be more than an afterthought for a salad or to enrich and add flavor to broths. Carrots give breads, muffins, and cakes a wonderful moistness, texture, and flavor, and cold carrot soup can be a refreshing taste treat on a hot summer day. Throw grated carrots, cream cheese, and grated onion into a food processor and spread on toast points for a delicious appetizer. Step into the future with a carrot mousse or flashback to the past with pickled carrots. Let your imagination fly and you'll rediscover these colorful treasures.

Radical Rutabagas and Tasty Turnips

Although the Finns and Swedes cook rutabagas with aplomb, the rutabaga and turnip aren't in most Americans repertoires when it comes to cooking vegetables. Sure, turnip greens are a staple of the delicious cuisine of the South, but what to do with the root?

Rutabagas are actually a cross between turnips and cabbages, although they are most often used like a turnip in cooking. Either rutabagas or turnips can be cooked and added to mashed potatoes to enhance their flavor and nutrition. Try turnip custard, or combine apples and rutabagas for a delicious baked casserole. Use rutabagas in a spice cake or bread, or make a seasoned puree and serve it with a meat dish.

Hearty Jicama

Like the carrot, the jicama is often relegated to the salad bar. But this sweet, starchy, and refreshing root vegetable is a wonderful addition to stir-fry or potato salad. Much of jicama's appeal is its unique crunchy texture, so grate it, cube it, or julienne it to add zazz to cold dishes. Toss jalapeno with vinegar, cilantro, and jalapeno, and then place grilled shrimp over a bed of jicama. Delectable!

Other Nutrition-Packed Roots

When visiting the fresh produce section of your grocery store, don't overlook other roots that have taken a back seat to other fresh fruit and vegetables. Beets, parsnips, and radishes also offer culinary delights, so embrace their versatility and their ability to get you excited about eating your veggies!

Article : Ayurvedic Management of HIV/AIDS

Ayurvedic Management of HIV/AIDS
by: Dr AbdulMubeen A Mundewadi

At present, there is no scientifically proved cure for HIV /AIDS. Globally, the number of infected HIV /AIDS patients is increasing at an alarming rate; with a current estimate of 33.2 million people who are living with HIV 1. Hence, there is a dire need to search for a safe, effective and economical treatment for HIV /AIDS.

In a retrospective study in 55 patients, Ayurvedic treatment has proved to be very promising in the management of HIV/AIDS. Fifty-Five adult patients were given Ayurvedic treatment for HIV/AIDS, during the period from April 1999 to November 2004.Each patient had tested positive for HIV/AIDS on at least 2 different occasions. No patient was taking anti-retroviral drugs at the time of commencing Ayurvedic treatment. All patients were started on treatment after written, informed consent.

The Ayurvedic Herbal Combination ( AHC ) comprises of eleven different herbs in different dosage strengths, based upon their respective potencies, reported anti-viral and immunomodulatory properties, and their traditional usage according to Ayurvedic principles of medicine 2 -4 .The constituents of AHC with their respective dosages are as follows:-Terminalia arjuna: 250 mg. ;Zinziber officinale: 250 mg. ;Phyllanthus niruri :1 gm ;Glycyrrhiza glabra:1gm. ;Withania somnifera:1gm. ;Eclipta alba: 250mg. ;Centella asiatica: 250mg. ;Boerhavia diffusa: 250mg. ;Emblica officinalis: 250mg. ;Tinospora cordifolia: 250mg. ;Rubia cordifolia: 250mg. This AHC was dispensed in a combined dose of 5 gms. t.i.d., to be taken with water after meals. Aqueous herbal extracts of all the medicines were used, in tablet form.

All patients were advised to eat a well-balanced, nutritious diet. Therapeutic counseling sessions were conducted regularly to help the patients achieve mind relaxation, to modify their risk behavior , and to increase adherence and compliance to therapy.

All patients were followed up at monthly intervals. Detailed clinical examination was done at each visit and significant findings were recorded. In addition, in affording and willing patients, investigations like CBC, Hb, Liver and Renal functions, X-Ray of chest, Western Blot, CD4 count and Viral Load were done wherever possible. Other investigations were done, if required, for Opportunistic Infections (O.I.).All O.I. were promptly and aggressively treated with modern medicines. A close watch was kept for adverse reactions of the drugs.

Therapeutic outcome was assessed by overall clinical examination, change in Karnofsky score (assessment for overall well-being of patients), change in weight, occurrence and response to O.I., and change in CD4 and Viral Load values. Maximum number of patients was in the age ranging from 20 - 39 years (80 %). Of the total number of 55 patients, 39 were male (71 % ) and 16 were female (29 %), with the male: female ratio being 2.4: 1. There were 7 couples who took treatment together.

Of the 55 patients, 5 patients died, 42 patients took treatment for varying periods and then stopped treatment, while 8 patients continued treatment till the end of the study period. The 5 patients who died were critically ill at the time of presentation, and died mostly within the first two months of starting Ayurvedic treatment. The cause of death varied ; 1 patient died from cirrhosis of the liver, 3 died of extensive Pulmonary Tuberculosis (multi-drug resistant) and 1 died of a combination of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and demyelination disease of the brain.

In the 50 patients who were alive till the time of their last follow-up , there was an average weight-gain of 2.3 kgs.(range = - 4 to + 7.5 kgs), usually within the first 3 months. In those patients who took continuous treatment for more than 3 months, the Karnofsky score increased from an average of 75.9 at the commencement of treatment to 87.4 at the last follow-up. Almost all the patients had 1-3 O.I. at the time of presentation. Other than Tuberculosis, all the O.I. cleared up rapidly within the first 2 months of treatment.

Long-term administration of Ayurvedic medicines (upto 30 months) did not seem to have any major adverse effects. In fact, in a few patients, the tests for liver and renal function appeared to normalize further, with treatment. Haemoglobin readings gradually improved in those patients taking regular, prolonged treatment.The most striking effect of the Ayurvedic medicines was on the Viral Load and CD4 counts. Because of financial constraints, only 15 patients (27 % ) agreed to do either the Viral Load or the CD4 count, or both. In most patients, there was a definite and steady decrease in the Viral Load, and an increase in the CD4 cell counts.

Antiretroviral medicines are the mainstay in the modern treatment of HIV/AIDS. However, a plethora of side-effects, development of resistance to drugs and escalating treatment costs are serious concerns. In the absence of a definite cure for HIV/AIDS, Ayurvedic medicines may provide a useful alternative for long-term management of patients, since these medicines are economical and devoid of serious side-effects. However, scientific research is necessary to determine efficacy of these medicines. This retrospective study is one such effort to assess long-term therapeutic effects of an Ayurvedic Herbal Combination in the management of HIV /AIDS.

In this study, 4 patients died within the first 2 months of commencing treatment. Onset of therapeutic effect is slow with Ayurvedic medicines, and these patients probably could not benefit from Ayurvedic treatment. This emphasizes the need to start treatment as early as possible in immuno-compromised patients. The causes of death indicate that Tuberculosis and CNS involvement are major killers in HIV patients. Multi-drug resistance to Tuberculosis is also a major concern.

16 patients ( 29% ) did not come back after just one ( 11% ) or two ( 18% ) visits. The reasons cited were, a complete inability to pay for treatment, or a search for a ‘better’ or a ‘guarenteed cure’. Fortunately, perceptions have changed in the last few years. Even illiterate patients from the lower socio-economic strata are no longer asking for a ‘guarantee’ or a ‘cure’. ‘Long-term management with minimum expenses’ is a mantra being readily accepted by the HIV positive patient of today.

All the patients who took medicines regularly, had a high-protein diet and kept themselves busy, improved very well and put on weight. Even 2 to 3 years after stopping Ayurvedic treatment, most of the patients are doing very well, some inspite of very low CD4 counts. This is probably one of the biggest long-term advantages of taking Ayurvedic medicines for HIV /AIDS. However, patients with socio-economic difficulties and a lot of psychological pressure who could not have access to regular treatment, started losing weight after initially improving with treatment. A comprehensive management of each patient thus needs to address several issues relevant to each individual patient.

This study also brought forth some interesting results. One patient who subsequently died, had severe demyelinating disease of the brain (as diagnosed in a major hospital), and had lost most of his motor control and sensory senses, since several months. After being given Ayurvedic treatment for about 1 ½ months he became alert, and could speak clearly, albeit temporarily, for 1 week. Another patient with Nephrotic syndrome resulting in long-standing generalized oedema (2 years ) had complete regression of the oedema after 2 months of Ayurvedic treatment without any other treatment. One HIV positive patient with suspected malignancy of lung in the right upper lobe was steadily losing weight. After starting Ayurvedic treatment, he started putting on weight. Another patient with history suggestive of HIV Encephalopathy was semi-conscious at presentation. He was passively fed on liquid diet and a combination of both modern drugs and Ayurvedic treatment. This patient be!

came ambulatory within 2 weeks, and after 2 months of treatment he was faring well, even with a CD4 count of just 6.The above 4 instances indicate that the Ayurvedic medicines may have multi-faceted properties and need further evaluation.

Thus,the retrospective study of 55 HIV positive adult patients treated with an Ayurvedic Herbal combination from April 1999 to November 2004 proved the Ayurvedic medicines to be highly effective as anti-viral and immuno-stimulant,and safe on long-term use. A nutritious diet, Ayurvedic baseline therapy, timely allopathic treatment of Opportunistic Infections and regular counseling support appears to be an ideal combination in the management of HIV/ AIDS patients.


1. UNAIDS. Global Summary of the AIDS Epidemic. Update
December 2007.

2. Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research. Potential Anti-
HIV Herbs. 15/9/2002.

3. Sharma P.V. Vegetable Drugs. Vol. II. IV Edition.
Chaukhamba Publications.1978.

4. Dahanukar S A, Kulkarni R A, Rege N N. Pharmacology of
Medicinal Plants and Natural Products. Indian Journal of
Pharmacology, 2000; 32: S81 - S118.

Article : About Essential Fatty Acids and Fish Oil

About Essential Fatty Acids and Fish Oil
by: Mitch Pellecchia

By now, most of us have heard of essential fatty acids (EFAs) and their potential health benefits. They’re said to sustain cognitive function and memory, benefit the heart and immune system, aid in cell reproduction and repair, and even help balance hormones. Fish oil, duly noted by the medical community as having similar benefits, contains high levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids, thus establishing the link between a daily regimen of fish oil and good health. Fish oil is sold in the U.S. as a dietary supplement and comes in both liquid and capsule form.

What are essential fatty acids?

Essential fatty acids are unsaturated fats typically found in the oils of vegetables, certain nuts and seeds and some fish. They’re said to benefit health more than the saturated fats found in meat and dairy products and may even have a positive impact on cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. Essential fatty acids are referred to as "essential" because they must be obtained through diet and are essential to the normal growth and function of muscles, nerves, cells and organs in humans. There are two families of essential fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids – the fatty acids found in fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat present in many coldwater fish including trout, salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, mackerel, tuna and cod. The two most potent forms of omega-3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), both known as "good fats" – unlike saturated fats, which when consumed in excess can lead to cardiovascular problems, neural and brain disorders.

EPA helps to produce the prostaglandins (hormone-like substances) which help control blood-clotting and arterial functions. EPAs may also help to lower serum triglyceride levels.

DHA is a major component of human brain and retinal tissue and aids the transmission of nerve impulses.

The term "omega-3 essential fatty acid" has become synonymous with "fish oil" in modern American marketing literature.

Sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids other than fish oil include, but are not limited to:

• Avocadoes (whole or oil)
• Brazil nuts
• Flaxseed
• Flaxseed oil
• Fortified milk products
• Hempseeds
• Hempseed oil
• Omega-3 eggs
• Pumpkin seeds
• Sesame seed
• Soybean oil
• Walnuts
• Wheat germ oil

Omega-6 fatty acids – not found in fish oil

Omega-6 EFAs are found in animal products such as dairy and meat and are common in cooking oils such as safflower, olive, sunflower, hemp, soybean, pumpkin, sesame, walnut and flaxseed oils. Too many omega-6 EFAs, say nutritionists, can throw off the balance of prostaglandins and lead to health problems. Experts recommend a ratio of three parts omega-3 essential fatty acids to every one part omega-6 fatty acid in the diet. Research indicates that Americans consume far more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 as a result of overindulging in fried foods, red meat and cheese.

Omega-6 fatty acids are dependent on interactions with omega-3 essential fatty acids in order to benefit good health, which is why a balance of the two is crucial in the diet. The American Heart Association cautions against a high dietary intake of omega-6 fatty acids as it can lead to the development of gallstones and promote tumors.


Prostaglandins encompass a number of hormone-like substances found in every cell in the body. They’re critical to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the regulation of blood pressure and the modulation of inflammation. Prostaglandins are needed for overall good health and maintenance and must be replenished constantly. It’s easy to understand why having a good balance of prostaglandins in the body is essential to well-being.

Where does fish oil come from?

Most fish oil is extracted from the fatty flesh of the fish, unless a product specifically states otherwise, as is the case with cod liver oil or shark liver oil – extracted from fish liver. Nutritious fish oil is usually derived from deep, coldwater fish and those swimming in the wild (wild fish eat other fish and marine animals and vegetation to survive, whereas farm-raised fish are typically fed some type of less nutritious, less expensive, commercial-grade pellet). Some experts say the best fish comes from the deep Atlantic of Norway and other Scandinavian countries: the deeper and colder the water, say experts, the less chance of toxins such as mercury, lead, dioxins, furans and PCBs occurring in the fish oil. Fish from eastern Pacific waters is known to contain elevated levels of mercury.

Fish oil supplements – good ones / bad ones

"Product disclosure" is the operable phrase when seeking out nutritious fish oil supplements. From what kind of fish is the oil extracted and from where is it extracted naturally through pressing or with a centrifuge; or are petrochemical solvents such as hexane used to extract the oil from the source? How is the fish oil refined? Is it molecularly distilled, which to date is the most reliable form of fish oil purification, or does the label read something like "extra-distilled" or "super-distilled?" Such terms have no bearing on quality or safety. Because the hundreds of thousands of fish oil supplements on the market remain unregulated by the FDA, the safety, consistency, efficacy and strength of these products varies immensely among brands.

When reading fish oil supplement labels:

• Make sure the type of fish from which the fish oil is extracted is listed.
• Look for terms "coldwater," "deep water" and "wild" as opposed to "farm-raised."
• In what ocean or hemisphere was the fish caught? North Atlantic, deep, coldwater is said to be the most nutritious.
• Make sure the fish oil is molecularly distilled, which better ensures the absence of PCBs, heavy metals and other contaminants.
• What parts of the fish were used? Fish oils extracted from fish liver may be higher in heavy metals and contaminants.
• What fish oil extraction method was used? Cold or modified expeller pressing means that the oil was produced without damaging temperatures or unnecessary pressure.

Marketing claims that have no defined meaning in relation to fish oil supplements, and which often mislead consumers, include:

• Ultra-pure
• Professional grade
• Pharmaceutical grade
• High-potency
• Super-distilled
• Natural
• Extra-distilled
• Best
• Finest
• Highest quality
• Pure
• Purest
• Purified

Essential fatty acid health benefits and risks

Few argue the benefits of fish oil and essential fatty acids in the diet. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the omega-3 fatty acids can benefit cardiovascular health and that "good unsaturated fats" derived from vegetables and fish are far more nutritious than "bad saturated fats" which come from red meat, animal products and dairy. The cardiovascular benefits to balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet include lowered serum cholesterol, decreased serum trigylcerides and reduced platelet aggregation. Although many fish oil supplement companies claim that fish oil supplementation may aid brain function and strengthen the immune system, a complete body of evidence has yet to be produced.

Along with the health benefits of fish oil come some risks, most associated with taking too high doses of fish oil or having dangerously high levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids in the blood. Some of these risks can include:

• Thinning of the blood and reduced ability of the blood to clot.
• Increased risk of bleeding.
• Too large doses can increase glucose levels in persons with already elevated blood sugar levels.
• In excess, fish oil may suppress the immune system.
• Increase the occurrence of nosebleeds and easy bruising.
• Upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea and belching.
• Poisoning from heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and pesticides.

Experts and nutritionists are convinced that the health benefits of fish oil far outweigh the risks. However, many warn that fish oil shouldn’t be taken with blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or aspirin and shouldn’t be taken by anyone with bleeding disorders or uncontrolled hypertension. It is highly advisable to consult a physician before supplementing a diet with fish oil.

EPAs, DHAs, efficacy and the FDA

In September of 2004, the FDA announced they would allow a qualified health claim for reduced risk of coronary heart disease for conventional foods that contain EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids as outlined in FDA’s "Interim Procedures for Qualified Health Claims in the Labeling of Conventional Human Food and Human Dietary Supplements." Notwithstanding inconclusive research at the time of release, the FDA said it would exercise its enforcement discretion with respect to the following qualified health claim:

"Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of [name of food] provides [x] grams of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. [See nutrition information for total fat, saturated fat and cholesterol content.]"

In 2000, the FDA announced a similar qualified health claim for dietary supplements containing EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids and the reduced risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). The FDA recommends that consumers not exceed more than a total of three grams per day of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, with no more than two grams per day from a dietary supplement.

Be sure to shop at for all your essential fatty acid and fish oil needs!


1. Supplement from the sea: the fat from fish oil can benefit your heart, eyes, joints, and brain. Tom Weede. Natural Health. Oct 2007 v37 i9 p105 (2).

2. Omega medicine. Is fish oil good for what ails you? Bonnie Liebman. Nutrition Action Healthletter. Oct 2007 v34 i8 p1 (5).

3. The government’s big fish story: Pick the perfect fish oil supplement. Men's Health. July-August 2007 v22 i6 p158.

4. Fish oil and brain development. Alan R. Gaby. Townsend Letter: The Examiner of Alternative Medicine. Oct 2007 i291 p49 (2).

5. Effects of fish oil supplementation on myocardial fatty acids in humans. R.G. Metcalf, M.J. James, R.A. Gibson. Alternative Medicine Review. Sept 2007 v12 i3 p307 (1).

6. Essential fatty acids. Douglas Dupler and Teresa G. Odle. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 4 vols. Updated July 1, 2006.

7. Mighty omegas (ways to score more essential fats). Nancy Duncan. Women's Health. Dec 2006 v3 i10 p47.

8. Essential fatty acids and eicosanoids: their role in preventing inflammation, cardiovascular disease and cancer. James Meschino. Dynamic Chiropractic. Dec 3, 2007 v25 i25 p28(3).

9. Fish oil. Mai Tran and Teresa Odle. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine. Ed. Jacqueline L. Longe. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 4 vols. Updated July 1, 2006.

10. On call: Fish oil revisited. Staying Healthy from the Faculty of Harvard Medical School. August 21, 2006 pNA.

11. By the way, doctor: How much fish oil should I be taking? Staying Healthy from the Faculty of Harvard Medical School. August 21, 2006 pNA.

Article : New Ways to Touch Him

by Suzie Heumann (

In the early part of 2005 Cosmo UK asked me for some ideas for an article on new and different places to erotically touch men. It was obvious to me that this is an over-done subject but then I got to thinking about it and came up with these ideas. The sensual arts are a big part of the Kama Sutra. It isn’t all about positions! Some of these suggestions can be used outside of the bedroom too.

Others of them are great little Tantric ‘secrets’. Brushing the energy away from the genitals when a man is in high states of arousal is a good way to spread the energy and keep him from going over the top. Mixing it up with different kinds of touch during intercourse and other lovemaking acts always takes a lover by wonderful surprise. Use your hands as often as you can in as many new ways as you can.

Discover your own secret Mudras (sacred positions of the hands, other body parts or even the whole body that you just know are somehow magical – you can feel it when it happens), touching secrets and titillating moves. Send your suggestions to me at for things that are particularly Tantric to add to this list.

Gently, and then more forcibly, pull his hair - any hair. The hair follicles, buried under the skin, are nearer to the nerve endings and produce a very pleasurable feeling when brushed or pulled.

When kissing, suck on his lower lip deeply. In Tantric practice the lower lip on the man provides a direct channel to his sexual organ’s excitement.

Caress his inner thighs with a piece of fur, a feather, or your breasts. The inner thighs are exquisitely sensitive because they are relatively protected from courser contact. When soft, subtle items touch them they respond immediately.

Run your fingertips gently over his eyes, starting from the center and moving outward. Our eye lids a super sensitive and rarely do we think of touching them. Men are very visual so their eyes take in a lot of their world. This kind of touch evokes love, caring, and a soothing tenderness that puts a man into purring mode.

Rub his belly in gentle circles, with one of your free hands, as you pleasure him. This will heighten his pleasure and remind him to deep breathe into his belly. You want him to do this because it will spread his erotic energy and sloooooow him down!

Brush his ecstatic sexual energy up from his genitals, past his belly to his heart area with one hand while lovemaking. This will spread his pleasure throughout his body and help him master his excitement. Moving the sexual energy into a man's heart is where YOU want it and where he will want it to prolong his pleasure. Very Tantric!

When he's on top wrap your legs around him such that your heels put pressure on his sciatic notch, the area just above his hip joints. He'll get an acupressure massage while you're rocking and rolling. This relieves lower back pain and gives you an anchor for your ecstatic pleasure.

Suck, lick, nibble and bite his ear lobes. Ears are classic. The story goes that the bigger his earlobes the more erotic energy he'll have. You can create even more sensual pleasure if you slip down and include his neck.

Caress, both lightly and then more firmly, the area from his armpits to his hips. This area has a lot of nerve endings and has been known as an erotic area for millennia - you know, the love handles are located here.

Very slowly touch and caress his face the lightest you possibly can, barely touching it at all. Light touch allows him to focus on each exquisite detail coming from your fingertips. Often men want sexual touch to be strong and on the firmer side but if you offer him up something different he'll understand the stimulating affects of subtle touch too. Caressing the face is an erotic way to say that you love and care for him, too.

Tickle and play with his feet by kissing and caressing and THEN lick between his toes and surprise him by taking one or two into your mouth and sucking deeply. He'll go over the top but make sure he's washed first! Toe sucking is the closest thing to the other thing! Our feet are very sensitive and this is a fantastic place to focus on to take him off guard and give him a night he'll remember.

Find a small child's blow-up swimming pool, put down a tarp and get out some older towels, braid your hair if it's long, heat up three cups of olive oil, put one to two cups in the bottom of the pool, undress and the two of you get in. Add more warm oil if needed later and proceed to rub your body over every part of his! This will cover 99 places to touch and then some - over the top fun!

Article : Kama Sutra Seduction

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008



by Dr. Birch on

Sex is not supposed to hurt, but for many women it does. There are many medical reasons for painful intercourse (clinically called dyspareunia), and a physician should always be consulted. Pain might occur around the lips and clitoris, right around the vaginal opening, or deep within the vagina or abdomen. The pain might be experienced as a burning sensation, a sharp pain, or a dull ache. Women should be willing to talk with their doctors in detail, describing the location of the pain, the nature of the pain, and the activities that trigger the discomfort.

There are some women who, even though aroused, do not lubricate well. This might be due to age or medications that are being taken... or just something about the woman's biology. If this is all it is, the problem is likely to be solved with the use of a good, safe, water-soluble lubricant such as ASTROGLIDE. There is an article on this site that addresses the use of artificial lubrication.

There can also be discomfort during intercourse if a partner's penis is too long or too thick. This can be a real concern for some couples. If the problem is one of length and the woman feels discomfort when something internal is bumped, it might help if after being entered she closes her legs. This prevents deep penetration and might help avoid that particular kind of pain (that I call bumper dyspareunia). The problem of girth or thickness is not so easily solved. With time and learning to relax the vaginal muscles, this might eventually resolve itself. Strange as it sounds, it is often easier to relax the muscles surrounding the vaginal opening if a woman first has learned how to tighten them. Read about the Kegel Exercises.

There are a number of medical conditions that will cause sharp localized pain within the genital lips or around the vaginal opening, or a burning sensation along the vaginal walls. Persistent deep pain, or pain that seems related to a woman's monthly cycle, should be discussed with a physician.

There are some women who feel discomfort with attempted penetration of even the smallest penis, finger, or tampon. This might be the result of a condition known as Vaginismus. Vaginismus is the involuntary contraction of the band of muscles that surround the vaginal opening. The tightness prevents entry and the resulting pain causes the muscles to contract even more. The woman typically will feel out of control of this and is probably unaware of the involuntary tightening at the opening of her vagina. Sometimes the harder she or her partner tries, the worse the problem becomes.

Well over 85 percent of women treated for vaginismus will be having pain-free intercourse within six months of beginning treatment. The problem is best treated by a qualified sex therapist who will give the woman relaxation exercises to do at home. The video Treating Vaginismus portrays this therapeutic process.

As the woman learns to relax her body in general and especially her troublesome pelvic floor muscles, the therapist will introduce her to homework using vaginal dilators. These dilators come in a graduated series of sizes. A woman works her way up from a dilator perhaps no thicker than a piece of chalk to a dilator approximating the size of her partner's erection.

Much of what a woman needs to learn about relaxing and being comfortble with vaginal containment can be learned alone. However, if the woman is in a relationship, her partner will most likely be involved early in the treatment so that he understands what the purpose of the homework. He will be most certainly be involved later in the therapy as the couple approach the point when it is time to insert his penis.


Beware of the Self-Appointed Guardians of our Sexual Pleasure

Robert W. Birch, Ph.D.
Sexologist & Adult Sexuality Educator

I am always a bit concern when professional sexuality experts make unqualified mention of "compulsive masturbation." First of all, those of us calling ourselves sexuality educators are committed to the endorsement of masturbation as a normal (if not essential) aspect of healthy sexual development, and we have even gone on record as saying that the good feelings associated with it are OK! Both males and females masturbate to relieve sexual tension and because it feels good. If "normal" masturbation feels good, how should "compulsive" masturbation feel? Should "compulsive" masturbators feel bad about feeling good? So the question, like the morning erection, arises, "If sexuality is good and masturbation is normal, should it feel better if it is not compulsive, but feel bad if it is?" Or, more basically, have we sex educators lied, and is masturbation really habitual, and is feeling good really bad?

One might legitimately wonder, when is masturbation "compulsive," verses just "frequent." I'm thankful that we hear less these days about "excessive" masturbation, but is compulsive masturbation excessive? (Or should the question have been, is excessive masturbation compulsive?) Should excessive masturbation feel good or...well, just excessive. It seems to me that if one orgasm feels good, frequent orgasms are better, but what if they are excessive or, gulp, even the result of compulsive acts? If a little feels good, wouldn't a lot feel even better? I'm confused! Is it OK, on our own, to feel just a little bad about a lot of feeling really good, or should we join a sex addicts group that would help us feel really bad, so we can stop feeling good altogether?

I also worry about the number of orgasms we are allowed, but worry even more about who it is that should set the limit. Are men allowed to have more self-induced orgasms than women? And how is this allocation of self-induced pleasure measured? Do we measure excessive or compulsive masturbation in terms of the number of strokes or should the number of orgasms be counted? If it's strokes, then the premature ejaculator is much less likely to be judged compulsive, but if one counts orgasms, a non-orgasmic woman could rub herself all day and would be home free. And who should really be doing the counting anyway... our spouse, our therapist, our minister... maybe our state? The unqualified mention of "compulsive masturbation" makes me very uneasy.

I have always assumed that our libido (our sexual appetite) is individually unique, and that the level of this sexual desire varies widely among normal folks, as does intelligence and height and other human qualities and attributes. But if the experts talk without qualification of masturbatory compulsion, then it would seem that there is some fixed frequency that must be rigidly maintained. If this is so, should people with strong sexual needs limit their orgasms so as to fall in line with the expectations of those who claim authority to regulate our sexual frequencies? And who will regulate the regulators? If he or she who judges has low desire, what standard will he or she set for the rest of us to maintain. Must men and women with strong sex drives limit their expression, lest those who count orgasms apply the dreaded "C" label... "Compulsive"... the new scarlet letter for the millennium.

If someone with a high sexual desire masturbates every third day, despite feeling horny on a daily basis, have they demonstrated that they are not compulsive in this act? What if they do in fact masturbate every day? Does that change the "diagnosis?" And what of the person who feels horny every third day? Should they wait a week to demonstrate that they are really under control? Is someone who is horny every day but fights the urge and only masturbates every third day somehow healthier than the person who is horny every third day and masturbates each time the need is felt? Do we mean to say that there is some virtue in waiting even when no other person is involved? Is abstinence from something that is satisfying a treatment, and if so, for what? Do we really get extra credit for postponing self-gratification, and anyway, who's giving out the brownie points?

Confused? Imagine the reaction when a "sexuality expert" fails to define and qualify that vague behavioral description, "compulsive masturbation?" All sorts of images and emotions are stirred. Those who believe that masturbation is "self-abuse," and maintain that this solitary behavior is sinful, must love the unqualified term. We know these self-righteous self-appointed guardians of morality are out there, and growing in number. For those who would control our thoughts and behaviors, even an innocent child's normal, natural, and beautiful process of self-discover might be seen as "compulsive,"A spouse with lower desire might believe a hornier partner should never ever masturbate, and quickly label his as a sure sign of sexual addiction. "Addiction" and "compulsion" are such convenient words for arrogant folks, professionals and otherwise, who are hateful of variation, scornful of intensity, jealous of frequency, and distrustful of pleasure! These are the people who would point and cry out "Addict," with the intent to shame and control us.

In a recent article, a highly credentialed sex therapist wrote about "sexually compulsive behavior," and stated that one of the "...most common forms..." is (without qualification) "compulsive masturbation." Let me get back then to this unqualified mention of "compulsive self-stimulation" and ask the question again: When should we label this self-pleasuring "compulsive?" This therapist offered "five basic criteria." First, there will be "cognitive distortions (that) allow the person to convince himself/herself that a behavior is acceptable." But I thought we sex-positive educators have proclaimed that self-pleasuring is acceptable (and respectable sexologists have even produce a variety of "training videos" to show how to do it)! The second criterion offered in the article was evidence of "...repeated efforts to discontinue or decrease the activity." Wow, as a teenager with hormones racing wildly through my body and religious guilt racing wildly though me head, I sure made repeated efforts to discontinue or decrease my masturbation, not because it felt excessive, but because there were those who were committed to shaming me. Then the sexuality educators came along and said, "It's natural.... so go ahead and enjoy it!" Is it the behavior that is confusing, or what people are saying about it?

The next criterion proposed in the article was spending "...hours in preparation for the act, or.... fantasizing about it afterwards." Gosh, that's what I call "foreplay" and "afterplay!" Let's be careful how we talk of preparation and of reminiscing. The pre- and post-orgasmic thoughts and fantasies are, in my thinking, the threads that weave together the erotic fabric of our sexuality, tying the individual patches together to form the colorful quilt of our total sensuality. We need to remember that most sexologists endorse the use of fantasy, visual stimulation and an assortment of vibrating and/or penetrating toys when one freely elects to self-pleasure, and we've got more videos to show how the toys work.

I believe there are questions that must be answered before applying a label that implies a sexual behavior is a problem. Is an individual's masturbation excessive or is the masturbator simply an individual with a high drive who is appropriately managing his or her sexual energy (and having some fun in the process)? Individuals with high levels of desire will respond frequently to their physical need, will experience easy arousal and will, in due course, reach pleasurable and relaxing orgasms. These person will feel fulfilled, relaxed and good about their sexuality. There are in fact compulsive masturbators. The compulsive masturbators' masturbation will not be in response to their bodies, might be performed without feeling any prior sexual desire, and is likely to exceed his or her natural biological capacities. Responding to a psychological demand, they will often find their arousal difficult, and once started, they will probably not stop until some sort of orgasm is reached, or they become too exhausted or too sore to continue. Compulsive masturbators will feel incomplete, unfinished and (quite likely) guilty. The will want to stop, but feel powerless to do so.

We should evaluate any additions to videos, toys, etc. that are used during the masturbatory act. Such adult "sexual aids" are often use for playful novelty, to foster an easier turn on, to produce a more pleasurable erotic experience... and the reasonable use of such aids is not a sign of sexual compulsion or addiction. Some women only orgasm with the intense stimulation of a vibrator... should we call them addicted to their vibrators? What of the older man who finds that viewing an explicit video helps achieving a firm erection... is he automatically addicted to porn? On the other hand, what if considerable money and time are invested in toys, magazines or videos, cutting into money needed for necessities or time need for work? What if a toy has become a requirement that has been assigned exaggerated erotic power and must be compulsively employed to get the job done, with or without pleasure... and always needing to be replaced by an exciting new toy? Can a man or woman postpone their pleasure, putting it into perspective in his or her busy life, or must all other priorities be changed in order to complete the compulsive act?

If not in a relationship or having access to a willing adult partner, is the masturbation serving the purpose of fulfilling unmet sexual needs in a way that is pleasurable, or is it a way of avoid intimate relationships? (And, anyway, who says every human being must be in an intimate relationship?) If a willing partner is available, is the masturbator realistically filling gaps in discrepant levels of desire, or is he or she rejecting the partner's advances in order to go masturbate in private? If masturbation is preferred, is it because of sexual compulsivity, or is it a reflection of a relationship issue? In my office, a wife once complained that her husband was masturbating rather than accepting her invitations, but he, for the first time, acknowledged that his wife drank excessively, was verbally abusive, and did not bath before sex! I'm glad that I had not laid a guilt trip on him by labeling his masturbation compulsive.

Those claiming to be experts in the field of sexuality need to be very careful using vague unqualified catch phrases. With the guilt-laden history already associated with self-pleasuring, let's not contribute in any way to the confusion. It is normal and natural to masturbate and also normal and natural if an individual feel no need to do so. We should only be concerned when sexual behaviors are public (with an unwilling or underage audience), non-consensual (involving physical or psychological force/threat/coercion), exploitive (inappropriate use of power or age), and potentially destructive in terms of relationships, finances, freedom or health.

A sexual addiction or sexual compulsion has been defined as "Unstoppable sexual behavior that is repeated compulsively despite the awareness of dire consequences." A non-compulsive individual will not feel out of control and repeat something they know could cost them their marriage, cost them their job, cost them a large fine, cost them their freedom, or cost them their life.

When was last searched with the keywords "sexual addiction," 34 books came up. If you feel that you must read something on this topic, be careful what you select. In the reviews on one book, a reviewer shared his or her impression that the book's only purpose was to make people feel bad. Avoid books such as this!

In his erotic novel, SETTLING THE SCORE, Dr. Birch follows one character through the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of his high sex drive.

Most typically, masturbation is a healthy, normal, safe, and fun way to deal with ones sexual desire, and often all manner of toys become involved.

Books, such as TICKLE YOUR FANCY, give both permission and instruction on how to creatively engage in self-pleasuring.
©2001 Robert W. Birch, Ph.D.


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