Monday, August 25, 2008

Article : Skin Care Moisturizer Cream Can Keep Your Skin Smooth and Supple

by: Sylvie Bordeaux

They say beauty is only skin deep, but only a woman knows just how true that is. You can be the prettiest thing in the room, but wrinkled, sun damaged skin can certainly bring your appearance down several notches. Skin care moisturizer cream is just the thing you need to help prevent new wrinkles, reduce the appearance of the wrinkles you have, and help heal sun damaged skin. Whether you struggle with dry skin, combination skin, oily skin, acne, or some other type of skin condition, there is a moisturizer that is made just for you. The only challenge is finding the right moisturizer for you and knowing what to look for. It’s all about getting the details right -- what types of moisturizer are best for you and how often to apply them. Luckily for you, we’ve got the scoop on the best moisturizers for your needs.

Water Based Moisturizers are a No-No

When purchasing moisturizer cream, many women simply do not stop and look at the ingredients. Often women are attracted to a pretty box or a pretty jar with a fancy sounding name without realizing that many of the moisturizers out there contain up to 40% water. Other women make the mistake of going with a water based moisturizer, thinking that water is the most natural moisturizer in the world and that it should do wonders for their skin. Strangely enough, that is not the case. Different all natural ingredients, like Aloe Vera, are better suited for a moisturizer for the face, especially for those looking for anti aging or anti wrinkle benefits. It may not seem like it but water based moisturizers are a recipe for disaster when it comes to dry skin. They dry out your skin even more as opposed to adding much needed moisture.

Consider the Benefits of Natural Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera based creams are different and for those who have only used water based products or for those looking for a change in their present moisturizing routine, this is the best and only alternative. A few of the skin care moisturizer cream products even contain essential fatty acids and other ingredients that actually imitate the natural actions and compositions of your skin. These special ingredients work wonders against drying and breakouts, and makes it easier for the ingredients to be absorbed into the skin. Aloe Vera itself is 100 percent natural, coming straight from the plant of the same name and is known for its healing benefits to damaged skin.

How Often is Too Often?

Depending on your skin and its makeup, you never know how much to moisturize until you figure out what is best for you. If you have normal skin, moisturizing once a day should be sufficient, but if you have dry skin or skin with a condition you may want to consider moisturizing twice daily -- once during the morning hours and once before bed.

Be sure to follow the directions that are specified on the back of moisturizer box or jar for best results and remember that not all moisturizers are created equal. Some of them have specific instructions and are designed to treat different skin conditions so be sure to read the label carefully. Some moisturizers have natural oils, vitamins, lipids, and other ingredients that are designed to smooth and beautify your skin. Be warned that chemicals have been added to other moisturizer creams and these should be strictly avoided.

How do you know which is the best skin care moisturizer cream for you? In all reality, there is no “one size fits all.” Everyone has a different type of skin and unfortunately there is a bit of trial and error that you must go through. You have to find out the hard way sometimes but often you can take shortcuts by getting recommendations from other women with skin similar to yours. Remember though that just because a particular product works for someone else does not necessarily mean that it will work for you. One thing you can be sure of though is that it is pretty hard to go wrong with an aloe vera based moisturizer. Aloe Vera can heal damaged skin, moisturize, and even provide some anti aging benefits as well. Plus it doesn’t dry out the skin like water based moisturizers do...and it should go without saying that dry skin is much more prone to wrinkles than hydrated, moisturized skin.

The benefits of Aloe Vera are endless and no matter what type of skin you have, you should be able to enjoy the benefits of this all natural ingredient that was discovered more than 3,500 years ago and that is still being used today. An Aloe Vera based moisturizer can help give you healthier, more beautiful skin no matter what kind of skin you have and no matter how much sun damage you have.

Be sure to read the label before buying any moisturizer cream and always, always, always demand an Aloe Vera based moisturizer.

Do you hate fine lines?

Do you hate wrinkles?

Do you hate sun spots?

Do you have old acne scars to get rid of?

Do you want to feel beautiful again?

An Aloe Vera based moisturizer cream just may be the way to go and due to its healing properties, Aloe Vera should be something you look for in any skin care moisturizer cream.

Article : Moving Beyond Your Divorce

by: Shelley Stile

There is no single more powerful stumbling block to moving beyond our divorce into a new life than the inability to accept our new reality. Acceptance is the hardest part of the divorce recovery process. Acceptance requires total honesty, courage and the willingness to let go of the life that we had...a life that no longer exists. Without that acceptance, we cannot move forward and create a new life.

How does one learn acceptance? Although it takes time and a good deal of inner work, it can be done. Here is a step-by-step guide to move you towards acceptance:

1) It’s about you, not them.

One of the most powerful lessons in life is the knowledge that we have control over one person and one person only…ourselves. If you are looking outside of yourself to move forward, you won’t. We can’t change anyone but ourselves. We have power over no one except ourselves. It is when we turn inward and do the work on ourselves that we will be able to effect dramatic and positive changes in our lives.

Being a victim means giving away all control and power. If I blame someone else for my situation, then I am powerless to do anything about it as I have chosen to absolve myself of any responsibility.

We can create changes that will make out lives better but not until we stop trying to change our ex or our current reality and we realize that it’s about us, not them.

2) Get support.

If you think you can do this all by yourself you may be in for a big surprise. Research consistently shows that getting support in any challenging endeavor leads to more success. Whether you choose a divorce support group, a therapist, a member of the clergy or a Life Coach, just do it.

If you are one of the those people who think that you have to handle life’s challenges on your own because somehow you equate support with weakness, get over it! Getting support is a sign of intelligence as far as I’m concerned as well as an indication that you really are serious about moving onward in life.

3) First, you must get through the initial stages of loss that includes denial, grief, anger, depression and whatever else you might be feeling early in the divorce process.

These emotions are all natural and necessary states that we need to experience. They are the norm versus the exception. Each one of these feelings needs to be embraced and experienced fully. There must be an ending before a new beginning.

There is a difference between fully experiencing an emotional stage and getting stuck in it. Beware excessive self-pity and real depression. Here is where support becomes important to your well-being and improvement.

4) Distinguish between facts and interpretations.

I cannot stress the importance of this step enough. People get stuck when they cannot face the facts and prefer to believe that their personal interpretations are reality.

You might be familiar with the exercise of the picture that has a hidden image within it. Ten people may come up with ten different interpretations of the picture. Some people will see the hidden image immediately and others will never see it until it is pointed out to them. Either way, the hidden picture exists. It is a fact.

You may feel that you have been mentally abused and yet your partner may feel that you are the one that is abusive. He said, she said. Probably a counselor will see a totally different picture altogether. You know, there’s your side, his side and then the truth.

Once you are truthful with yourself and can see the facts versus the drama or story of your divorce, you will be on your way to acceptance.

5) Be brutally honest and take responsibility for your marriage, divorce and life.

Those of us who can be totally honest with ourselves will receive the gift of a deep awareness of who and what we are along with the ability to accept our lives as they are without looking to blame someone else. Being honest allows us to see things that hadn’t existed for us before. The truth will indeed set you free. By setting aside our egos, we can look at our life for what it actually is versus a story about our divorce.

Once we have been honest and have embraced all the facts about our divorce, we are free to accept full responsibility for our lives. Responsibility is power and the freedom to choose what we want next in life. If we cannot take responsibility, we remain victims and victims absolve themselves of both their responsibility and therefore the power to control their own lives.

6) Learn the difference between what is and what you think should be.

If we are living in a netherland of what we think should be, we are completely cut off from reality or ‘what is’. If you think that you should not have to be experiencing divorce, then you cannot accept what is…that you are indeed getting divorced. You live in a world of your own.

We all create a list of should be’s that keep us stuck in the status quo: I should be happier, I should be getting more support, I shouldn’t have to work, and I should still be married. By concentrating on what we should be, we ignore what actually exists for us and remain stuck.

I think we should live in a world where peace is the predominant ethic but we don’t live in that world. That’s a dream I have. By acknowledging the world as it truly exists, I can make choices as to how I will live my life and also how to address the problems that do exist.

7) Consider the emotional wounds that you brought to the marriage.

Your ex may complain that you were not a warm person. I doubt that it was your marriage that created a cold person, if indeed that is what you are. We bring ourselves into our marriages and the parts of us that show up and create issues are the parts of us that we haven’t addressed yet. They are emotional wounds from somewhere in our past and they have a tendency to pop-up in our close relationships or when we are faced with challenging times.

Now is your chance to address those wounds and heal them so that you do not repeat your so-called mistakes again. Use your divorce as a catalyst to go inside and heal yourself.

8) Release toxic emotions.

Get rid of the debilitating toxic emotions that you are carrying around. Picture them as heavy baggage that keeps you stuck in your misery and produces a broken back. Anger, bitterness, hatred, resentment, rage…these are all toxic emotions that will harm you far more than your ex. You are the one who pays the price. You need to work through them and then release them because they will weigh you down for the rest of your life if you allow it.

Once you have done the work of truth versus interpretations and what is versus what should be, you will find it much easier to give up your anger and resentment. They do not serve you and you are learning to give away anything that does not serve you well.

9) Learn forgiveness for yourself and your mate.

You might not be able to practice forgiveness in the early stages of the journey to recovery but if you go through these other steps, you will be able to forigive your ex and more importantly, yourself. Forgiveness takes a big load off your shoulders. It releases energy that can be used for positive things.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean you condone bad behavior, it simply means you forgive. If we separate the person from the behavior it becomes easier to forgive. You know that just because you sometimes say mean things it does not mean you are a bad person. Just a lapse in judgment. We are not necessarily our behavior. We know all the subconscious motivations that exist within every individual. If we look at the inner child within a person, forgiveness is a given.

10) Make conscious decisions; utilize free choice.

When you do the inner work of divorce recovery, you tend to attend to many things that have been left unresolved for years. You become more conscious of your actions and your choices. You become aware of the subconscious and how it can run your life. When you learn to observe the constant mind chatter that goes on inside your heads, you learn that the mind chatter is not us, its just chatter.

Making conscious decisions based in free choice means that we are not letting our mind chatter, our past, our emotional wounds or our interpretations of reality run the show. We take control of our lives. Conscious living allows for incredible freedom and the ability to create extraordinary changes.

And your bonus tip:

11) Find the gifts of your divorce.

Everything that occurs in our lives and everything that we are (warts and all) has a hidden gift. If you speak to someone who has survived divorce and has gone on to create a and vibrant life based upon their own passions and values, they will certainly tell you that their divorce was the best thing that happened to them. That may not be true for you but there is a gift waiting for you to find. My ex likes to say that he is responsible for my new career and to a certain extent he has played a part. Oftentimes it takes a good whack on the head to awaken us to life’s possibilities and our own happiness.

It’s the old adage: Every cloud has a silver lining. It is true. Search for the gifts of your divorce and it becomes yet another step toward a successful recovery from the trauma of divorce.

Successful divorce recovery takes inner work. Much like a flower, the work that has takes place underneath the surface of the ground, invisible to the human eye, is the crucial aspect. Without that subterranean work, there would be no flower. The reward of the flower is dependent upon the inner work of the seed and the root system. It is the same with humans. Do the inner work and you see the outer rewards.

Article : Prostate Drugs - Just What Those Prostate Drugs Like?

by: Daniel Tolmie

Okay, so you haven't had a decent nights sleep in the past 4 years, you routinely leave the mens room still soiling your underwear slightly and your sex life is, well ... it's not.

Something has to be done.

Natural prostate remedies or man-made prostate drugs? Which to choose? Let's take a look at the drugs, what they do, their potential side effects, and how long they take to work.

There are two types of prostate drugs for treating your prostate problem;

1) 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, (commonly known as finasteride) these actually shrink the prostate in volume, and there are a few; Proscar, Propecia, Fincar, Finpecia, Finax, Finast, Finara, Finalo, Prosteride, Gefina.

2) Alpha blockers, they relax the muscles at the neck of the bladder and make urination easier. Here are some that are used, Cardura, Flomax, Hytrin, Regitine, Minipress, and Uroxatral .

However, there are large quantity of side-effects that men experience with these prostate drugs, and one of the things you'll find if you surf the forums on the internet, is that many men experience problems that are irreversible. You just don't know what's going to happen until it happens. To be fair, some of these side effects of these prostate drugs will decrease over time, but in other cases they won't. To be honest, not my cup of tea.

So here's the list of side effects of these prostate drugs;

- Cardura - COMMON - Back pain, diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, feeling of a whirling motion, flu-like symptoms, headache, indigestion, lightheadedness, nasal congestion, nausea, pain, stomach pain, swelling, tiredness.

- Floxmax - COMMON - Dizziness, unusual weakness, drowsiness, trouble sleeping, or runny nose may occur.

SERIOUS - fainting, vision changes, sexual problems (difficulty ejaculating, decreased interest in sex), fastheartbeat. in the unlikely event you have a painful, prolonged erection lasting 4 hours or more, stop using this drug and seek immediate medical attention or permanent problems could occur. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing.

- Hytrin - COMMON; Difficult or labored breathing, dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, light-headedness upon standing, nausea, pain in the arms and legs, sleepiness, stuffy nose, swollen wrists and ankles, weakness.

LESS COMMON - Anxiety, back pain, blurred vision, bronchitis, conjunctivitis (inflamed eyes), constipation, decreased sex drive, depression, diarrhea, dimmed vision, dry mouth, facial swelling, fainting, fever, flu or cold symptoms (cough, sore throat,

runny nose), fluid retention, frequent urination, gas, gout, impotence, inability to hold urine, increased heart rate,indigestion, inflamed sinuses, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, itching, joint pain and inflammation, low blood pressure, muscle aches, nasal inflammation, nervousness, nosebleed, numbness or tingling, painful lasting erection, pain in the abdomen, chest, neck, or shoulder, rash, ringing in the ears, severe allergic reaction, sweating, urinary tract infection, vertigo, vision changes, vomiting, weight gain.

- Regitine - Acute and prolonged hypotensive episodes, tachycardia, and cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat). In addition, weakness, dizziness, flushing, orthostatic hypotension, nasal stuffiness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.

- Minipress - Dizziness, drowsiness, head pain, visible water rretention, heart throbbing or pounding, dry mouth, low energy, nervous, not feeling well. SERIOUS; angina, continued painful erection, trouble breathing, feel like throwing up, frequent urination

- Uroxatral - Dizziness/lightheadedness or headache may occur, decreased sexual ability occurs, unusual fatigue/weakness, joint pain, trouble breathing, stomach/abdominal pain, back pain. SERIOUS: unusually fast heartbeat, chest pain, a painful, prolonged erection.

- Proscar, Propecia etc... all contain Finasteride - COMMON - Feeling like you might pass out, swelling in your hands or feet, pain in the testicles, impotence, loss of interest in sex, or trouble having an orgasm, abnormal ejaculation, swelling or tenderness in your breasts, dizziness, weakness, headache, runny nose, skin rash.

SERIOUS; hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Call your doctor at once if you notice any breast lumps, pain, nipple discharge, or other breast changes. These may be signs of male breast cancer.

If you are using any of these drugs and have experienced ANY of these side effects, contact your doctor. If it commons under the SERIOUS OR LESS COMMON title, then seek urgent medical attention.

Okay, not something to look forward to ... but don't despair there are other ways which I talk about in my other articles.

Here's HOW LONG these prostate drugs take to reduce your symptoms;

Cardura, Flomax and Hytrin etc... results are meant to be noticed within 1-2 weeks.

Proscar and Propecia etc... It can take a long time for the drug to show improvement in symptoms - 6 months to a year for complete results.

General Information;

- Hytrin - designed as a long-term medication, studies have shown it to be more effective than Proscar, despite Proscar actually shrinking the prostate and it's more widely publicised use.

- Proscar and Propecia have the good side effect of promoting hair growth (on your head, not on your back)

- Hytrin, Cardura are also used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure)

- Cardura, Flomax and Hytrin etc... advise not to climb, stand up quickly or drive when starting out on your doses.

- Proscar, Propecia etc... can damage a male fetus if handled by a pregnant female.

Well that was your overview of man-made prostate drugs, in my following article entitled 'Your Prostate And Alternative Prostate Remedies - Are They All They're Cracked Up To Be?' you'll see the other side of the coin.

Article : 4 Powerful Steps to Gaining Confidence with Women

Dating is a source of recreation, and it is important to always keeping mind that it is also another way of getting to know and meet more people. This will make it less intimidating in going up to a woman and talking to her, if you tell yourself that it is pretty much the same as initiating a conversation with a stranger: scary, but not extremely so.

Men all over the world try endlessly to strike upon the right technique or pick up line, all to secure that first date, and then the subsequent and elusive second date. No technique or pick up line is going to work for you, if you lack self confidence. Women look for a man with value, who can contribute to a relationship. If you lack confidence, however, fret not. Below are 4 powerful steps to gaining confidence with women.

Step 1: Online Dating

Yes, laugh if you want. It is a fallacy that online dating is only for the old or the desperate, but this is not true. It is a great meeting ground for getting to know other people first, before deciding if it is someone you would like to meet in real life. It also gives you the opportunity to let the real you shine through, especially if you tend to seize up upon being in the presence of women. This should give you an indication of what dating is like face to face, it should be about getting to know the other person better, and not about using techniques to secure a second date.

Step 2: Your Personality

No one likes to hear someone spend the entire evening whining about the bitch at work, or how they deserved a promotion more than so-and-so. Similarly, keep the negativity away from your date: it is a sure conversation killer, and you can be assured that your date will never want to see you again. Be positive, and allow your personality to shine through. That is the major determinant on whether you will make it to a second date. Being positive and smiling will also help you to act more confident than you actually are, and confidence is a big draw for women.

Step 3: Location

Suggest a neutral location that your date will feel comfortable in. Pick somewhere central with people, so that she does not feel intimidated or threatened. However, do not go overboard and pick an overly crowded location. This will limit the conversation and the noise levels and crowd will reduce the interaction and opportunities for you to get to know each other. Plan out an activity that you think she will enjoy, such as going to the drive-in movies, or a board game café where you can spend quality time with privacy for conversation, without it being too threatening for her.

Step 4: The Bill

Always pay for the bill. Going Dutch is not an option on the first date, simply because manners dictate that the guy should pay for the dinner, or the movies. Paying for the bill without hesitation will also make your date feel like she is being treated like a princess, and that you value her company. It is also a subtle signal that you are a stable person who is capable of treating a woman right.

Follow these 4 simple steps to gaining confidence with women. Remember, it is not about tricks and techniques, it is about holding your nervousness at bay to allow the real you to establish a connection or rapport with your date.

Top 10 Male Enhancement Herbs

Last time I was at a local Walgreens I noticed that they carry hundreds of different herbs that claim to do amazing things. If I was to take all of them, not only would I be super smart, but I would also have sexy skin, a six pack stomach, great hair, be an amazing lover, and all of the women would want me just by smelling my “pheromones.” I doubt that I can have all of that just by taking some pills, but as amazing and unrealistic as the claims are, there are definite benefits to certain herbs. We all know that Ginkgo is for mental alertness and Echinacea is for immunity strength, but what herbs are best for male sexual performance? We will discuss the top ten male enhancement herbs here and finish with a few to avoid.

1. GINKGO BILOBA LEAF – I wanted to start with ginkgo because it is commonly thought of as an herb to help with memory and brain function. This is in fact correct, however only covers one scope of the herb's benefits. Ginkgo works by expanding the capacity of blood flow through your veins and arteries therefore that effect benefits many parts of the body from the increased oxygen supply to the brain, which allows better brain function, to fuller and harder erections as more blood is supplied to the penis.

A few concerns with ginkgo are, because of the increased blood flow, those with bleeding disorders, especially those whose blood fails to coagulate on a wound, should take more precaution as more blood flow will slow the coagulation process. The second concern is for those who prefer ginkgo biloba seeds over the leaf. Uncooked ginkgo biloba seeds have shown some small levels of toxins, so if you prefer the seeds it is advised to cook them prior to ingestion. Finally, as with any new addition to your diet, some people have claimed a minor upset stomach and diarrhea.

The recommended concentration is 24% flavones and 6% terpene lactones. The usual dosage is 120mg to 160mg per day.

2. EPIMEDIUM LEAF EXTRACT – The next herb is epimedium leaf or commonly known as horny goat weed. The origins of epimedium is from goat herders who noticed that when their flock ate the weed their sexual activity was noticeably increased, thus the name. Discovery Channel did a study on horny goat weed. They found that it is the number one most prescribed solution to sexual dysfunction by professional doctors in China. Although little is known about how horny goat weed actually works, it has shown significant increases in libido and vitality in both men and women, restore sexual function in men, and help with discomfort during menopause in women.

To this day there have not been any known side effects with horny goat weed, other than the typical minor upset stomach and diarrhea when something new is added to your diet.

It is recommended that your intake of horny goat weed is concentrated enough to have at least 10% icariin. Generally 1000MG to 2000MG is a sufficient daily dosage.

3. HAWTHORN BERRY – The hawthorn berry is another herb that is generally used to treat one concern, yet its benefits extend further. The hawthorn berry is primarily used to treat heart problems. It strengthens the heart allowing it to pump more blood. This, of course, translates into more blood flowing into your penis. Thus allowing for harder, fuller erections and increased pleasure from orgasm.

A few concerns with the hawthorn berry are that studies show that it does lower blood pressure a little bit so if you have very low blood pressure you may need to consult with a physician. And as usual some have reported a minor upset stomach and diarrhea.

The daily recommended dosage for the hawthorn berry is 160mg to 900mg concentrated to 2% to 3% flavonoids or 18% to 20% oligomeric procyanidins.

4. SAW PALMETTO BERRY – The saw palmetto berry is a berry that is commonly used for urological problems. The most common use for it is to bring an enlarged prostate back to regular size. However most studies indicate that long term use (12 months or more) of saw palmetto also eased urination and increased sexual function significantly.

One of the few things about saw palmetto berries is that although there have been many studies done on saw palmetto, there have not been any reported side effects, none even complained about upset stomach or diarrhea.

320mg per day standardized to not less than 85% fatty acids is the recommended dosage for saw palmetto berries.

5. CATUABA BARK EXTRACT – The catuaba is a Brazilian, primarily in the Amazon rainforest, tree whose bark has been used for thousands of years as an all around nervous system revitalizer. It restores your nervous system function bringing about increased brain function, reduced nervousness, better sleep and improved sexual function. This is the herb that has helped the 60, 70, 80 even 90 year olds in Brazil have a healthy sex life naturally.

There are no known side effects with catuaba except the occasional upset stomach and diarrhea when it is first introduced to the diet. The main concern is that you are actually purchasing real catuaba bark, as there are several exporters who export the bark as catuaba, but it is in fact from the wrong tree. There are 2 forms of catuaba tree that supplies the actual bark that is medicinally known for its benefits and the scientific names for these two is Erythroxylum catuaba and Trichilia catigua.

The standard daily dose is 1000mg to 2000mg. There has not been any standardization of the extract’s concentration.

6. MUIRA PAUMA BARK EXTRACT – The muira pauma is another rainforest tree found in South America and Africa. This plant’s benefits also focus on the nervous system to treat various ailments such as paralysis, beri-beri, rheumatism, grippe, and cardiac and gastrointestinal weakness, baldness and sexual dysfunction, such as impotence, infertility and menstrual disturbances.

There are no reported side effects from muira pauma except the occasional upset stomach and diarrhea when it is first introduced to the diet. It is also commonly exported as muira pauma bark extract from a similar tree whose bark does not have the same medical benefits, the scientific name for it is Liriosma ovate, so be sure that before you purchase muira pauma that it does not come from this tree.

The recommended dosage is 1500mg daily and there are no concentration standards for the muira pauma bark extract.

7. CUSCUTA SEED EXTRACT – The cuscata is commonly known as dodder plant and it is commonly used to increase sperm production and its fertility. New research has shown that it helps with treating impotence.

There are rumors that cuscuta seed extract, when ingested in high quantities, caused lack of sleep. There are no case studies showing this effect as the studies done use standard dosages when administering it. There have also never been any claims of upset stomach or diarrhea with cuscuta seed extract.

The recommended dosage is 10g to 15g boiled in 3 cups of water for 20 minutes, some have said to increase that dosage up to 25 grams of cuscuta seed extract in 3 cups of water each day. It is standardized to 2.5% flavonoids.

8. ASIAN GINSENG – There are several kinds of ginseng available on the market today, but the one that shows the most sexual function benefit is the asian ginseng. It is commonly used to restore energy both physically and mentally and in sexual function it has a significant benefit in preventing premature ejaculation.

Asian ginseng has similar side effects as other forms of ginseng which include difficulty falling asleep when taken in large quantities and an upset stomach when it is first introduced to the diet.

A daily dosage is 200mg to 600mg, standardized to contain 4% to 5% ginsenosides.

9. TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS – The tribulus terrestris is a plant native to the warm climates of southern Europe and Asia, throughout Africa and in northern Australia, although it is found in North and South America as well now. Its primary use is for the purpose of increased sex drive by restoring hormone levels to normal range, primarily testosterone.

There are no reported side effects from tribulus terrestris except the occasional upset stomach when it is first introduced to your diet.

750mg per day is the recommended dosage of tribulus terrestris, standardized for at least 30% to 45% steroidal saponins (furostanol).

10. DAMIANA – Damiana is found primarily in Central and South America. It is recorded being used as early back as the ancient Mayan civilization to prepare for lovemaking. Today it is used to relieve headaches, control bed wetting, better control of the muscles in the urinary tract, as an aphrodisiac and to enhance orgasms.

There are no known side effects of damiana even the upset stomach that is common to new ingredients being added to your diet is unheard of.

The recommended dosage is 750mg to 1000mg per day. There is no standardization for damiana.

All of the above herbs have been listed as Class 1 safe on the US government website when taken in recommended dosages. However I wanted to make you aware of an herb that is very popular for male enhancement, but it has a serious side effect. The bark of the Yohimbe (aka Yohimbine) tree is known for its potency in increasing sexual function however it can and very often does cause very serious damage to the liver. In fact it is banned for import in several different countries. Please use caution when taking this herb, especially if already have liver problems.

You will find that all of the above herbs when taken alone will improve your sexual functionality, but when they are combined the effects are compounded. So next time you walk into Walgreens, or who ever your supplier is, you will be able to better distinguish between at least a small section of the natural supplements isle and enhance your love life considerably.


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